oh yeah, you might have known about my discovery of the song Give Thanks to Allah on the 25th of December (Chad told me, rather), but did you know about the song i found out on the 27th, yesterday? haha it's a Buddhist chant, the Heart Sutra and though i found it a little spooky (i still do, but to a smaller extent), i started to find it very calming and peaceful after a few listens.
these two songs started out as mild jokes, but they became very pleasing to my ears! haha, check them out too, the link for Give Thanks to Allah by Michael Jackson is somewhat several posts down, while these are two of the Heart Sutras:
i don't know if they're both the same song in different languages or just two completely different songs, but don't make fun okay!
oh i've been having diahorrea for the entire day starting 7am. X|
28/12/08, 11:44pm.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
hand-me-down notebook
sorry the images all spoil, click on them for a more proper view.
photos not taken by me, credits to http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2860 for them.
Compaq Presario B2800, view from the top
i got my Christmas present from my auntie today, a hand-me-down Compaq Presario B2800 notebook! i think the model is quite outdated but i don't know if it's still good enough for today, i'm guessing it is since i'm not really very today also haha. (e.g. i don't play Warcraft but i may consider since my old com couldn't support it but this one can!)photos not taken by me, credits to http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2860 for them.

only drawback is that i want to reformat the operating system of this notebook but there ain't no disc or recovery drive! that's damn bad know, cause every notebook is supposed to come with either one, but i've got none and to get the disc, it's gna cost between 15-30 USD manzzz. okay how sia.
need to plan new years party! or maybe combine with some other dude's party!
28/12/08, 11:19pm.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
My Ambition (like a primary school essay, but with 18+ content)
"What's your ambition?" is a popular question from adults to kids in order to find out what they're thinking with regard to their future (and it also reflects their level of maturity cause answers like 'fireman' and 'accountant' differ greatly in level of reasoning.)
oh btw, my brother's ambition when he was around 5 or 6 was a fire engine. haha, random recollection.
and so today, i'm proud to say i have an ambition! it's not totally prospective and not based on how much i can earn, but what i like to do / feel like learning. and someone shares the ambition with me too, Qing! haha. it's owning a pub or bar (maybe club for him haha), where WE will help out with the bartending, serving EXOTIC drinks of exquisite novelty. then I (and hopefully my band if i get one by then haha) will be the houseband and provide our bar/pub/club with a variety of chill music, genres ranging from jazz to blues to country to alternative. then Qing and whatever crew he may have in the future will share the stage throughout the week providing dance entertainment! so it's like we co-own the pub/bar/club yet help out doing what we love, also allowing us to save cost hiring dudish helpers!
quite a random (and for some maybe even immature or unrealistic) thought but it's pretty well thought out for now huh, about the mix between interest and work. other details like design aren't usually important for such random thoughts. i don't daydream.
anyway, it was Yongwen's birthday yesterday, went down to give / show face. saw him drink power shots haha, Black Absinthe, Flaming Dr. Pepper and Waterfall, all quite hardcore yet very pleasing to the eye (preparation involved fire and colourful mixes of alcohol and other ingredients like milk or sugar). the whole event seemed like a 'de-virginization' of Yongwen's drinking life the moment he became legal haha, quite an eyeful. 3 shots of exotic drinks cost the dudes who paid for it over a hundred bucks and Yongwen was high, however, he wasn't wasted which obviously shows he ain't no virgin to begin with yesterday haha.
came home, slept at 4am and overslept frisbee this morning with Phelan & Gabriel & dudes. supposed to go town for photohunt with Nwahs & Gab & Pao til night but since Nwahs woke up with a fever, the whole thing was cancelled too haha, wasted but it's okay it will materialise some other time i'm sure. so Ww came over for a nap ._. til 7 where we went for dinner at j8 with Hx, Phelan & Shawn Lau at Food Junction where the food was funking ex and that's pretty much what you need to know about my life today.
28/12/08, 12:18am.
oh btw, my brother's ambition when he was around 5 or 6 was a fire engine. haha, random recollection.
and so today, i'm proud to say i have an ambition! it's not totally prospective and not based on how much i can earn, but what i like to do / feel like learning. and someone shares the ambition with me too, Qing! haha. it's owning a pub or bar (maybe club for him haha), where WE will help out with the bartending, serving EXOTIC drinks of exquisite novelty. then I (and hopefully my band if i get one by then haha) will be the houseband and provide our bar/pub/club with a variety of chill music, genres ranging from jazz to blues to country to alternative. then Qing and whatever crew he may have in the future will share the stage throughout the week providing dance entertainment! so it's like we co-own the pub/bar/club yet help out doing what we love, also allowing us to save cost hiring dudish helpers!
quite a random (and for some maybe even immature or unrealistic) thought but it's pretty well thought out for now huh, about the mix between interest and work. other details like design aren't usually important for such random thoughts. i don't daydream.
anyway, it was Yongwen's birthday yesterday, went down to give / show face. saw him drink power shots haha, Black Absinthe, Flaming Dr. Pepper and Waterfall, all quite hardcore yet very pleasing to the eye (preparation involved fire and colourful mixes of alcohol and other ingredients like milk or sugar). the whole event seemed like a 'de-virginization' of Yongwen's drinking life the moment he became legal haha, quite an eyeful. 3 shots of exotic drinks cost the dudes who paid for it over a hundred bucks and Yongwen was high, however, he wasn't wasted which obviously shows he ain't no virgin to begin with yesterday haha.
came home, slept at 4am and overslept frisbee this morning with Phelan & Gabriel & dudes. supposed to go town for photohunt with Nwahs & Gab & Pao til night but since Nwahs woke up with a fever, the whole thing was cancelled too haha, wasted but it's okay it will materialise some other time i'm sure. so Ww came over for a nap ._. til 7 where we went for dinner at j8 with Hx, Phelan & Shawn Lau at Food Junction where the food was funking ex and that's pretty much what you need to know about my life today.
28/12/08, 12:18am.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Give Thanks to Allah!
i'm hooked onto a new song on Jesus' birthday, Give Thanks to Allah by Michael Jackson.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
well though Christmas this year wasn't all religious as it used to be for me in the past, it wasn't too bad cause of the meetings i had with family, relatives, friends and acquaintances for the past few hours. went over to Jj's house at around 9pm, before finding Tim, Zx, Toons, Ted, Ww, Dam & Elson at Tim's place and spent a short while there. Shawn & Russell came afterward too, but Hx, Phelan & I went back to Jj's house just when it hit around 12 midnight. spent the night at his place with ODAC dudes before zaozaozaoing at 7am on X'mas morning. went home to shower and nap for a while before going for 11am mass, then lunch at Auntie Agnes' place. napped again at home after lunch before going to Pao's house for dinner with Ww, Gabriel & Phelan. the food was good. but then again, food was good all the way since last night!
anyway, Merry Christmas to one and all, but as you may feel me just as i feel myself, this Christmas wasn't about giving or receiving for me - little present exchanges (i only bought gifts for houses i was going to, and my Grandmother), but more social interaction and that opened me up to a whole new meaning of Christmas. one that means that Christmas is not about gifts and possessions earnt, but more of awesome company and expanding social circles in times of joy. party! someday when i've got cash, the the ultimate X'mas of gifts & friends (& maybe even God) shall come!
25/12/08, 11:22pm.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
well though Christmas this year wasn't all religious as it used to be for me in the past, it wasn't too bad cause of the meetings i had with family, relatives, friends and acquaintances for the past few hours. went over to Jj's house at around 9pm, before finding Tim, Zx, Toons, Ted, Ww, Dam & Elson at Tim's place and spent a short while there. Shawn & Russell came afterward too, but Hx, Phelan & I went back to Jj's house just when it hit around 12 midnight. spent the night at his place with ODAC dudes before zaozaozaoing at 7am on X'mas morning. went home to shower and nap for a while before going for 11am mass, then lunch at Auntie Agnes' place. napped again at home after lunch before going to Pao's house for dinner with Ww, Gabriel & Phelan. the food was good. but then again, food was good all the way since last night!
anyway, Merry Christmas to one and all, but as you may feel me just as i feel myself, this Christmas wasn't about giving or receiving for me - little present exchanges (i only bought gifts for houses i was going to, and my Grandmother), but more social interaction and that opened me up to a whole new meaning of Christmas. one that means that Christmas is not about gifts and possessions earnt, but more of awesome company and expanding social circles in times of joy. party! someday when i've got cash, the the ultimate X'mas of gifts & friends (& maybe even God) shall come!
25/12/08, 11:22pm.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
how do you wash your ears?
an interesting thought while i was bathing today...
i only soap whatever is neck down (apart from pubic hair).
i only shampoo whatever is neck up (and pubic hair).
i only use facial wash on my face.
then what happen to the ears? to use body soap, shampoo or facial wash?
i use body soap most of the time.
tmr (and the day after) is quite complex a day. here's the plan:
2pm: Altar Boys' Committee Meeting (i don't know for what and what am i doing there)
3+/4pm: Pool w/ Chad, Josh, Terence, Daniel & extra buddies (that's prolly why i go for the meeting before this)
6+/7pm: Family X'mas Dinner
8+/9pm: Jj's House Party w/ 1t23, ODAC Dudes & Jj's Family (Tim's House halfway then come back) + Stayover
(next morning)
7am: Head Home for Wash Up + Rest
11am: X'mas Mass
12pm: Lunch @ Auntie Agnes' House w/ Relatives
ok have a happy Christmas guys!
today, went church in the morning for trng on X'mas day masses, then had lunch before gg over to VSEOW'S HOUSE FOR ROCKBAND HAHAHAHAH damn fun sia even tho it's just 3 ppl but we had fun nevertheless. went for dinner with her at Simpang aft tht - i had a thick and fat piece of Mutton Murtabak and couldn't finish it cause it was crazy. then met Nig at town for couple of drinks and chill time where we chatted from crazy shit to really theoretical and philosophical stuff acting like wise old bastard when we're just young naive fucks trying to be cool. so when we realised how lame we were we headed home but hey, i learnt alot from it, both of him and myself.
mabe i should have such act wise talks with everyone so i can learn more about everyone and also find out as much i can about myself til i know myself better than God but hey that's not possible so dream on.
ok now really, have a happy Christmas guys. don't get too drunk then too horny!
24/12/08, 1:07am.
i only soap whatever is neck down (apart from pubic hair).
i only shampoo whatever is neck up (and pubic hair).
i only use facial wash on my face.
then what happen to the ears? to use body soap, shampoo or facial wash?
i use body soap most of the time.
tmr (and the day after) is quite complex a day. here's the plan:
2pm: Altar Boys' Committee Meeting (i don't know for what and what am i doing there)
3+/4pm: Pool w/ Chad, Josh, Terence, Daniel & extra buddies (that's prolly why i go for the meeting before this)
6+/7pm: Family X'mas Dinner
8+/9pm: Jj's House Party w/ 1t23, ODAC Dudes & Jj's Family (Tim's House halfway then come back) + Stayover
(next morning)
7am: Head Home for Wash Up + Rest
11am: X'mas Mass
12pm: Lunch @ Auntie Agnes' House w/ Relatives
ok have a happy Christmas guys!
today, went church in the morning for trng on X'mas day masses, then had lunch before gg over to VSEOW'S HOUSE FOR ROCKBAND HAHAHAHAH damn fun sia even tho it's just 3 ppl but we had fun nevertheless. went for dinner with her at Simpang aft tht - i had a thick and fat piece of Mutton Murtabak and couldn't finish it cause it was crazy. then met Nig at town for couple of drinks and chill time where we chatted from crazy shit to really theoretical and philosophical stuff acting like wise old bastard when we're just young naive fucks trying to be cool. so when we realised how lame we were we headed home but hey, i learnt alot from it, both of him and myself.
mabe i should have such act wise talks with everyone so i can learn more about everyone and also find out as much i can about myself til i know myself better than God but hey that's not possible so dream on.
ok now really, have a happy Christmas guys. don't get too drunk then too horny!
24/12/08, 1:07am.
Monday, December 22, 2008
this is damn spoil. my mother say this week different from other week so no need a lot of money, so i just got 20$ for this week and i spent 10$ alr today. damn sure cannot live properly this week and i'm still in debt...
22/12/08, 11:04pm.
22/12/08, 11:04pm.
when a little delay puts you off so bad
this morning, i was supposed to run Mt. Rosie with Syam at 8:30am, but i overslept so he ran himself. then i was supposed to meet Gabriel and Phelan at 1pm for a swim but cause of rain in different parts of Sg at different times, we delayed it til 2:30 but mis-comm to stupid Gabriel and we met with him not knowing we were swimming. so we couldn't swim and went to play arcade and eat ice cream til Ww came.
when Ww came, we went to Queensway and Ikea where Phelan and Gab wanted to see shoes and Ww wanted to buy a showcase for his Star Wars figurine collection. that pretty much was my day which reduced many activities to none because of delay.
lesson learnt for me: don't oversleep.
lesson learnt for Gabriel: be smarter.
22/12/08, 8:51pm.
when Ww came, we went to Queensway and Ikea where Phelan and Gab wanted to see shoes and Ww wanted to buy a showcase for his Star Wars figurine collection. that pretty much was my day which reduced many activities to none because of delay.
lesson learnt for me: don't oversleep.
lesson learnt for Gabriel: be smarter.
22/12/08, 8:51pm.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
when you do something you don't really give a shit about, with extra enthusiasm
have you ever gone for a concert of a band you don't really know, yet try to and actually do enjoy yourself immensely at the event itself?
have you ever hung out with a friend you aren't really familiar with, yet because of boredom, attempt and successfully fill your time with a fruitful bonding person with that person?
many a times we do not care much about something, but because we have to do it (either come across it by chance or are forced to do it), we try to put in our best effort in order to make the most of the situation, and i met with that incident today, at a live soccer match.
the above may sound cliche but i really don't knw how else to say what i just did, especially in Singlish cause ah bengs don't have such thoughts. well anyway, you get my point and that's whats most important. i went to the Singapore / Vietnam AFF Suziki Cup 2008 Semi-Finals with Wee Seng, Clinton, Johan, Wen Bin, Hao Nam and CS today, and while i usually don't give two-shits (can't say one-shit cause i do, to a certain extent, give a shit about soccer) about the sport, i had the chance to catch the match at the National Stadium today for a nominal sum of 2$ so that pretty much bought my night.
now since soccer doesn't mean much to me, i would just watch the match then kthxbye guys and go to bed at home, but i was at the National Stadium, so suddenly from my two-shits about soccer, it became some twenty-shits cause of the atmosphere there. it's different from learning about it from your friends, reading the papers or watching it on tv cause through those mediums, you only learn what happened, and how it happened. bye bye to your friend, close the papers, switch off the tv and it's all over, nothing much.
however, when you actually experience the match live, you know WHY whatever happens, happens - why you cheer so enthusiastically, why the crowd reacts so vibrantly, why the players behave how they do. moreover, you can't just walk away from the match similar to the bo-chup way you would after watching it on tv, cause the outcome of the match determines your mood, as well as the others around you. you can't be glee when your country just lost and everyone around you is still furious about the game. thus, from being at the game, you actually involve yourself in a situation you seldom ever would, and therefore enjoy yourself in a way you would not usually do. so main point is, you will force yourself (though not really with alot of force) to enjoy the event you do not usually care about once you are put in the situation of not having any other choice other than to partake in it. sounds complicated? i just mean that it is different from what you normally experience when you take yourself a step further and involve yourself in what you usually only spectate. then, it's a whole new level for you even if you don't want it.
ok the above can be long and boring to you so please do not read it but if you're here, i guess you alr have, so too bad. anw, other than the enjoying myself even though i didn't really try to part, the match was pretty okay, not good cause Sg didn't win (0-1) due to poor form and fucking dirty Viets and not bad cause the spirit was awesome with everyone cheering for the same purpose. went for dinner before the match at Sumo House and then supper with a few of the lot after the match at some random coffee shop at Clarke Quay. thus, i just reached home and bathed only.
ok now what's for tmr? pretty much. run with Syam at 8:30am around Mt. Rosie, then lunch with nobody then swim with Gabriel after lunch. after that it's happy time with Gabriel and camera, most prolly with Ww at Ikea, so its cameratime with Ww & Gab @ Ikea. ok tmr's quite hectic so i'm going to carry many things with me to many places!
22/12/08, 1:00am.
have you ever hung out with a friend you aren't really familiar with, yet because of boredom, attempt and successfully fill your time with a fruitful bonding person with that person?
many a times we do not care much about something, but because we have to do it (either come across it by chance or are forced to do it), we try to put in our best effort in order to make the most of the situation, and i met with that incident today, at a live soccer match.
the above may sound cliche but i really don't knw how else to say what i just did, especially in Singlish cause ah bengs don't have such thoughts. well anyway, you get my point and that's whats most important. i went to the Singapore / Vietnam AFF Suziki Cup 2008 Semi-Finals with Wee Seng, Clinton, Johan, Wen Bin, Hao Nam and CS today, and while i usually don't give two-shits (can't say one-shit cause i do, to a certain extent, give a shit about soccer) about the sport, i had the chance to catch the match at the National Stadium today for a nominal sum of 2$ so that pretty much bought my night.
now since soccer doesn't mean much to me, i would just watch the match then kthxbye guys and go to bed at home, but i was at the National Stadium, so suddenly from my two-shits about soccer, it became some twenty-shits cause of the atmosphere there. it's different from learning about it from your friends, reading the papers or watching it on tv cause through those mediums, you only learn what happened, and how it happened. bye bye to your friend, close the papers, switch off the tv and it's all over, nothing much.
however, when you actually experience the match live, you know WHY whatever happens, happens - why you cheer so enthusiastically, why the crowd reacts so vibrantly, why the players behave how they do. moreover, you can't just walk away from the match similar to the bo-chup way you would after watching it on tv, cause the outcome of the match determines your mood, as well as the others around you. you can't be glee when your country just lost and everyone around you is still furious about the game. thus, from being at the game, you actually involve yourself in a situation you seldom ever would, and therefore enjoy yourself in a way you would not usually do. so main point is, you will force yourself (though not really with alot of force) to enjoy the event you do not usually care about once you are put in the situation of not having any other choice other than to partake in it. sounds complicated? i just mean that it is different from what you normally experience when you take yourself a step further and involve yourself in what you usually only spectate. then, it's a whole new level for you even if you don't want it.
ok the above can be long and boring to you so please do not read it but if you're here, i guess you alr have, so too bad. anw, other than the enjoying myself even though i didn't really try to part, the match was pretty okay, not good cause Sg didn't win (0-1) due to poor form and fucking dirty Viets and not bad cause the spirit was awesome with everyone cheering for the same purpose. went for dinner before the match at Sumo House and then supper with a few of the lot after the match at some random coffee shop at Clarke Quay. thus, i just reached home and bathed only.
ok now what's for tmr? pretty much. run with Syam at 8:30am around Mt. Rosie, then lunch with nobody then swim with Gabriel after lunch. after that it's happy time with Gabriel and camera, most prolly with Ww at Ikea, so its cameratime with Ww & Gab @ Ikea. ok tmr's quite hectic so i'm going to carry many things with me to many places!
22/12/08, 1:00am.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
the inability to think for our parent's sakes and pockets
you buy what you need, that's what they used to say a long time ago when i shopped.
you buy what you like, that's what they used to say not so long ago.
you buy what you need, like and don't like also can, that's not what they say now though it's what my brother does.
i'm not jealous like he thinks i am (of course i will be a little jealous, where got brother see parents buy you 3X the amount of things than they bought for him will not jealous, it's just human), i'm just thinking on behalf of our parents and the shallower-than-before pockets they now have, but he just doesn't get it cause he's ignorant and selfish - 'why you complain so much, are you jealous?'
on top of buying 3 shirts, 2 jeans, 1 shorts and a bag on the Malaysia trip two days ago, he bought a new handphone which was quite really ugly but costs $198, may not be a lot to some, but can be considered quite a lot for a upgrade-your-plan phone. when i told him it was ugly, he said i again was jealous, but mother and sister said the same regarding the phone's looks haha. and he was supposed to pay for the phone himself but i think he's gonna keep quiet about it till dad doesn't bother collecting the money anymore.
i'm not grumbling about him here even though i don't like him pretty openly haha, but my point here is that with someone who spends like that and gives a shit attitude when you try to put a good point across doesn't deserve any sympathy or charity. but in fact deserves to be punished for whatever flaws he has cause he doesn't seem to change over time. he has to learn how to treasure what he has, and draw a fine line between what's needed and what's not. by the way, my parents only reprimand him for whatever shit he does, like washing the pair of jeans once every 2 wears (when jeans are supposed to last long times haha which are like 3-4 weeks for me and longer for others), they don't punish him or make sure he learns. that's why my brother remains a bastard for the most of the time, and is my friend for the minority of the time i see him.
i'm not busteding him here, but i hope everyone learns from whatever he is not and maybe can relate to me on similar members of the family you really wish to kick in the ass but can't cause of family manners and 'appropriate' respect. there are a lot more things i am not very contended with reference to him, but it's just long and naggy to talk about it here, you can tell me if you want to know about it, i surely tell you in face. many things about his uncountable bad habits, his gay sexuality etc.
imma go play some guitar now and i really want to become better. but saying like this is not going to work.
20/12/08, 11:31pm.
you buy what you like, that's what they used to say not so long ago.
you buy what you need, like and don't like also can, that's not what they say now though it's what my brother does.
i'm not jealous like he thinks i am (of course i will be a little jealous, where got brother see parents buy you 3X the amount of things than they bought for him will not jealous, it's just human), i'm just thinking on behalf of our parents and the shallower-than-before pockets they now have, but he just doesn't get it cause he's ignorant and selfish - 'why you complain so much, are you jealous?'
on top of buying 3 shirts, 2 jeans, 1 shorts and a bag on the Malaysia trip two days ago, he bought a new handphone which was quite really ugly but costs $198, may not be a lot to some, but can be considered quite a lot for a upgrade-your-plan phone. when i told him it was ugly, he said i again was jealous, but mother and sister said the same regarding the phone's looks haha. and he was supposed to pay for the phone himself but i think he's gonna keep quiet about it till dad doesn't bother collecting the money anymore.
i'm not grumbling about him here even though i don't like him pretty openly haha, but my point here is that with someone who spends like that and gives a shit attitude when you try to put a good point across doesn't deserve any sympathy or charity. but in fact deserves to be punished for whatever flaws he has cause he doesn't seem to change over time. he has to learn how to treasure what he has, and draw a fine line between what's needed and what's not. by the way, my parents only reprimand him for whatever shit he does, like washing the pair of jeans once every 2 wears (when jeans are supposed to last long times haha which are like 3-4 weeks for me and longer for others), they don't punish him or make sure he learns. that's why my brother remains a bastard for the most of the time, and is my friend for the minority of the time i see him.
i'm not busteding him here, but i hope everyone learns from whatever he is not and maybe can relate to me on similar members of the family you really wish to kick in the ass but can't cause of family manners and 'appropriate' respect. there are a lot more things i am not very contended with reference to him, but it's just long and naggy to talk about it here, you can tell me if you want to know about it, i surely tell you in face. many things about his uncountable bad habits, his gay sexuality etc.
imma go play some guitar now and i really want to become better. but saying like this is not going to work.
20/12/08, 11:31pm.
Friday, December 19, 2008
i'm an AIDS bastard
i've got the bedbugs rash infection which began at y camp so i went to see doctor today then went down to collect reimbursement for my consultation fees and medication, cause it was all covered under the ymca insurance when we signed up for the camp.
anyway, the rash is bad, with it reaching my ears, ankles and face apart from the usual back, arms, neck thing. i hope it cures quickly cause of the doc's jab i took today.
went phototaking with Nig then dinner with Ww, Pao, Gab & Phelan aft tht. ok nice day to you guys too bye i'm tired i want to sleep but i need to count my coins cause i got no notes left to spend. :(
19/12/08, 10:19pm.
anyway, the rash is bad, with it reaching my ears, ankles and face apart from the usual back, arms, neck thing. i hope it cures quickly cause of the doc's jab i took today.
went phototaking with Nig then dinner with Ww, Pao, Gab & Phelan aft tht. ok nice day to you guys too bye i'm tired i want to sleep but i need to count my coins cause i got no notes left to spend. :(
19/12/08, 10:19pm.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Malaysia and AJ match day
hello today Cjc vs Ajc, but i didn't play cause i went to JB with Gabriel and family! i bought 3 shirts - 2 polos and 1 lumberjack (counterfeit looking one) and am quite happy but at the same time unhappy cause i wanted a vintage wash jeans as well as a brown corduroy trousers. that have to be searched for in Singapore now.
my brother, on the other hand, is over the moon cause he bought 3 shirts 2 jeans and 1 berms. plus 1 bag too. sure damn happy while everyone else was okay happy only. however Gabriel didn't buy anything but i hope he enjoyed himself waiting for me, playing arcade, eating junk and wasting time for an entire day in Malaysia, as well as leeching food from my family, but i think we're all more than happy to provide for you for a day, and for anyone else too!
most retardedly, i didn't take any photos even though i had my camera with me the entire day and a photobuddy with me too. for a brief report of this morning's match and a lesson learnt on online weather forecasts, please follow http://yourbeautyinapicture.wordpress.com, Freddie's blog.
imma going to bathe now cause i've got rash.
18/12/08, 10:18pm.
my brother, on the other hand, is over the moon cause he bought 3 shirts 2 jeans and 1 berms. plus 1 bag too. sure damn happy while everyone else was okay happy only. however Gabriel didn't buy anything but i hope he enjoyed himself waiting for me, playing arcade, eating junk and wasting time for an entire day in Malaysia, as well as leeching food from my family, but i think we're all more than happy to provide for you for a day, and for anyone else too!
most retardedly, i didn't take any photos even though i had my camera with me the entire day and a photobuddy with me too. for a brief report of this morning's match and a lesson learnt on online weather forecasts, please follow http://yourbeautyinapicture.wordpress.com, Freddie's blog.
imma going to bathe now cause i've got rash.
18/12/08, 10:18pm.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
the Paolo's house
hihihi i'm blogging from Paolo's house here in Bishan which is so close to Cat High and i used to walk past here like everyday on my way to the bus stop home! if i had known that this apartment was his house in the past, i would have shouted something everytime i walked past for the past 10 years of short pants life. haha so here we are having a fun time with his Xbox 360, then we're going to watch either 21 or The Mist and then the other one after. and slot in supper at Kway Chap somewhere in between.
wish me fun and happiness and there's trng tmr which Fred and i ain't gg for. then there's match against Aj on Thurs which we may be / may not be going for depending on whether we choose to play the match or go Malaysia with family and Gabriel. so we shall see, if tmr rains then Thurs won't rain then can play match and vice versa! but i hope it rains on Thurs so match will be postponed and i can have the best of both worlds.
you know, there are many things i want to achieve this lifetime, one of them is to spot many different hairstyles throughout the various times of my life. the afro, dreadlocks and cornrows are all weirder hairstyles i wna do someday apart from the usual buzzcut or shoulder-length hair. i won't do a moehawk or anything that requires arrangement in the morning cause i ain't gna do it - i tried doing things that needed preparation in the morning and i couldn't make myself do it, so it's gna be hairstyles i can get and keep that way for a long time without doing much to it! hair, so fun to play!
Pao's tablet pc keyboard quite nice to type on siol.
16/12/08, 11:19pm.
wish me fun and happiness and there's trng tmr which Fred and i ain't gg for. then there's match against Aj on Thurs which we may be / may not be going for depending on whether we choose to play the match or go Malaysia with family and Gabriel. so we shall see, if tmr rains then Thurs won't rain then can play match and vice versa! but i hope it rains on Thurs so match will be postponed and i can have the best of both worlds.
you know, there are many things i want to achieve this lifetime, one of them is to spot many different hairstyles throughout the various times of my life. the afro, dreadlocks and cornrows are all weirder hairstyles i wna do someday apart from the usual buzzcut or shoulder-length hair. i won't do a moehawk or anything that requires arrangement in the morning cause i ain't gna do it - i tried doing things that needed preparation in the morning and i couldn't make myself do it, so it's gna be hairstyles i can get and keep that way for a long time without doing much to it! hair, so fun to play!
Pao's tablet pc keyboard quite nice to type on siol.
16/12/08, 11:19pm.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
post Y camp
y camp wasn't all fun and games, but neither was it extremely challenging. to be honest, it was a fair mix between good company and fun and the challenging element of looking after someone before yourself. i'm sure Kian Say had a fun time but i wasn't the one all responsible for it, cause during the camp, his brother was there to help out and also watched out for him a fair bit, making my job easier by alot. moreover, i was paired up with another volunteer to look after him so the burden was shared. thanks to Huiying and Kian Beng haha. Kian Say was not everything in this camp, but there was just too many things which happened and i am very tired now after watching Infernal Affairs 2 on ch U which finished a while ago so i won't share any more. could tell you when i see you some other time.
of course, i would also love to post a few pictures, maybe of the ones with Kian Say, or the one with 6 dead mosquitoes lined up nicely killed by Huiying and i but for now i'm going to waste some time online before hitting the sheets for energy for tmr's trng. i slept at 1 yesterday night and woke up at 1 this afternoon, had lunch, and went back to bed til 5 and then went church which sums up my day hahah. ok bye.
14/12/08, 11:23pm.
of course, i would also love to post a few pictures, maybe of the ones with Kian Say, or the one with 6 dead mosquitoes lined up nicely killed by Huiying and i but for now i'm going to waste some time online before hitting the sheets for energy for tmr's trng. i slept at 1 yesterday night and woke up at 1 this afternoon, had lunch, and went back to bed til 5 and then went church which sums up my day hahah. ok bye.
14/12/08, 11:23pm.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Y camp eve
damn it it's YMCA's Y Camp tmr and i'm quite scared. not as scared as before i met my beneficiary, cause it's slightly better now but i'm still feeling apprehensive towards the entire experience coming forth at me tmr. but i'm just gonna do this shit and clear 70 hours of CIP to the very best i can, so Ahmad Salim, you're in for helluva time!
today's YMCA flag day was quite funny haha, cause we just went to do it and got a free shirt which doesn't look too bad. i like it actually, cause the YMCA words look like the ACJC kuan they have on the countless ACJC tees, which means got class and got style ahah and i wear alr got potential to become like a handsome AC dude. Fred and i did 1 hr of flagging at some cool spot in between Civic Centre and Causeway Point and got half a can filled in 1 hr, then we returned to the starting point to check out only to see 4 other group members walking around flagging together, they didn't even fill 1/10 of the can yet. but we zao early la, they stayed until 6pm, like 4 hrs la haha so in some way still own us. ya but main point is get Marcus & Freddie to flag for your association, sure own. somewhere in Little India / Farrer Park, Lester and Jiajian also stuck with the haven't even 1/10 of can problem thus, trust Marcus & Freddie.
today's YMCA flag day was quite funny haha, cause we just went to do it and got a free shirt which doesn't look too bad. i like it actually, cause the YMCA words look like the ACJC kuan they have on the countless ACJC tees, which means got class and got style ahah and i wear alr got potential to become like a handsome AC dude. Fred and i did 1 hr of flagging at some cool spot in between Civic Centre and Causeway Point and got half a can filled in 1 hr, then we returned to the starting point to check out only to see 4 other group members walking around flagging together, they didn't even fill 1/10 of the can yet. but we zao early la, they stayed until 6pm, like 4 hrs la haha so in some way still own us. ya but main point is get Marcus & Freddie to flag for your association, sure own. somewhere in Little India / Farrer Park, Lester and Jiajian also stuck with the haven't even 1/10 of can problem thus, trust Marcus & Freddie.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon '08
omg i really didn't know the Standard Chartered run was so high tech until you could go online to find your timing and then photos. i didn't run and of course i regretted it but that's not what i'm talking about, i'm talking about my friends who had their pictures and timings up on the website, it's fucking funny hhaha.
for eg., Gabriel's 21km lost to Yue Sheng by about 10 mins haha if you know who the two of them are, then it's quite funny. saw all their photos too, pretty hilarious haha go check it out if you want to and you've got friends / relatives who took part. can see timing and rank and photo leizxz so high class worhzxz. ya at most i go take part next year la.
cb tmr got YMCA pangsai flag day for CIP.
10/12/08, 1:56am.
for eg., Gabriel's 21km lost to Yue Sheng by about 10 mins haha if you know who the two of them are, then it's quite funny. saw all their photos too, pretty hilarious haha go check it out if you want to and you've got friends / relatives who took part. can see timing and rank and photo leizxz so high class worhzxz. ya at most i go take part next year la.
cb tmr got YMCA pangsai flag day for CIP.
10/12/08, 1:56am.
hihihi i just got my first set of photos today, 3 rolls. out of 90+ frames, i think i really like less than three ( <3 haha) shot which shows how much i suck at what i do. but it's all relative cause what's nice to me may not be nice to you and what's nice to you may not be nice to me and that's cause it's art. however since i'm the boss you shall only see what's nice to me and not make noise.
gay brother looking handsome with pimples on his forehead
and something not taken in Malaysia, but in a public handicapped toilet here in Singapore of the boy whose going under the knife tmr. good luck to Marcus Tan (Wei Wen) and here's wishing you well for your nose op tmr in the hope of having a nicer nose like MJ. no but don't worry you'd be fine and forget all the shit about what i said of you being the unlucky one in 200,000 people to die cause it won't happen. however, in case you really do, this is also a tribute to you.
all the best Marcus!
09/12/08, 11:25pm.
ok on second thoughts i decided to post only two cause i'm lazy and some photos suck while others aren't that good. but i just really love the bear one yo. all these were taken in Kuching, Malaysia.
all the best Marcus!
09/12/08, 11:25pm.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
happy day with Gabriel
wow today's weather is awesome, for sleeping. of course i bet all you losers who didn't take advantage of it and slept in already found that out before me, but i just want to act like i was the first to discover this weather today. the cold woke me up at 7, then at 9 and now it's 11 thirty. slept well? yeah could say so.
today is supposed to be happy day with Gabriel where we develop photos, and he wants to buy new rolls to take more photos and i'm quite excited about it cause i get to see all the pictures i took in Malaysia WEEKS AGO, like it's finally time hurh. some of the pictures are spoilt (wrong exposure damn but never mind others will turn out fine i hope) BUT BUT the rain disallows us to do so cause it's such a joy spoiler. i mean i liked the anticipation you get from having to wait for film camera's photos to develop, but it's been weeks and don't tell me i have to wait even longer just because of rain. you see how rain can be both enjoyable and annoying.
met up with an old friend yesterday, could see that she's been through alot haha and it's all part of life that people change, where the more often you see them, the less you notice the change, and the less often you see them the more obvious the change! haven't seen her for almost a year so the change is like ( CHANGE x 1 YEAR ) = ?????
anyway time for happy day with Gabriel before he gets annoyed at my time wasting again.
08/11/08, 11:59am.
today is supposed to be happy day with Gabriel where we develop photos, and he wants to buy new rolls to take more photos and i'm quite excited about it cause i get to see all the pictures i took in Malaysia WEEKS AGO, like it's finally time hurh. some of the pictures are spoilt (wrong exposure damn but never mind others will turn out fine i hope) BUT BUT the rain disallows us to do so cause it's such a joy spoiler. i mean i liked the anticipation you get from having to wait for film camera's photos to develop, but it's been weeks and don't tell me i have to wait even longer just because of rain. you see how rain can be both enjoyable and annoying.
met up with an old friend yesterday, could see that she's been through alot haha and it's all part of life that people change, where the more often you see them, the less you notice the change, and the less often you see them the more obvious the change! haven't seen her for almost a year so the change is like ( CHANGE x 1 YEAR ) = ?????
anyway time for happy day with Gabriel before he gets annoyed at my time wasting again.
08/11/08, 11:59am.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
you then shut up
my brother is the same as G Force bitch. when someone gets annoyed at them and tells them to shut up, they snap a 'you then shut up la' back at you.
if you understand what i'm talking about, you will know it's annoying.
07/12/08, 1:17am.
if you understand what i'm talking about, you will know it's annoying.
07/12/08, 1:17am.
'Has Jesus round her neck'
mother prefers me not to have a tattoo. people say i'm 'damn bad' when i say something like this, but when mother dies, i'm going to get my first tattoo - of her. it will be a tattoo of Mother Teresa but not this one; one of my mother cause she's called Teresa too hehe. don't say i'm damn bad, but just say this is how i would like to remember things and i wouldn't only remember her, but i would also remember the significance of this first tattoo.
of course, if i can only get a tattoo after she dies, then i'd rather me not have a tattoo my entire life at all.
another one i'd like to get would maybe be of Jesus round me neck. it's quite pretty there i think and like that calls no need for any scapula or cross round my neck. Vertigo's a great song, nothing with it being overly rated or fucking mainstream, but it's obviously good which is why it could be overly rated of fucking mainstream in the first place.
oh yes, i discovered a really cool site so cool i made it my homepage. Freddie said i was bored but i think it's just another brilliant idea of mine to improve my vocabulary for GP and sophistication as a person. i'm going to read a few words off here daily and hopefully memorise them interesting ones and put to good daily use! here's the site: http://phrontistery.info/a.html all go and have fun!
06/12/08, 11:03pm.

'The girl with crimson nails
Had Jesus round her neck'
-Vertigo, U2
Had Jesus round her neck'
-Vertigo, U2
another one i'd like to get would maybe be of Jesus round me neck. it's quite pretty there i think and like that calls no need for any scapula or cross round my neck. Vertigo's a great song, nothing with it being overly rated or fucking mainstream, but it's obviously good which is why it could be overly rated of fucking mainstream in the first place.
oh yes, i discovered a really cool site so cool i made it my homepage. Freddie said i was bored but i think it's just another brilliant idea of mine to improve my vocabulary for GP and sophistication as a person. i'm going to read a few words off here daily and hopefully memorise them interesting ones and put to good daily use! here's the site: http://phrontistery.info/a.html all go and have fun!
06/12/08, 11:03pm.
Friday, December 5, 2008
boredom hits you right on the head again
it's not the 100000th time i'm feeling bored this holiday, but more than just that. i'm feeling bored again haha, cause even though the days are packed, i'm bored again when the sun sets. i'm bored of sitting in front of the computer, and i only realise i'm bored when i actually sit in front of the computer.
i usually tap my sister on the back just to say hi when she turns around, or nudge my brother until he tells me i'm irritating and to go away, or dance in front of my mom and dad while they're reading the papers and watching the tv, and last resort go to grandma's room watch her watching tv. i'm very irritating when i'm bored but i can't do those for long cause they're also bored of me being irritating when i'm bored. so my sister will shout at me soon, my brother will throw something at me soon, and as for my parents, they will start to think i'm a annoying bad son so i will not let them think that way. grandma will love me to go into her room and lie on her bed cause i look like i love her. i mean i do but she will talk funny stuff to me which i don't like to hear.
of course, there are many things i could do: making full use of my time, i could read the papers or learn some songs on the guitar (but i won't learn unless its really nice or i have to play it for something, or i'd just forget it quickly) or i could chat and waste my time away lepaking and become the lepaKING!!!
06/12/08, 12:28pm.
i usually tap my sister on the back just to say hi when she turns around, or nudge my brother until he tells me i'm irritating and to go away, or dance in front of my mom and dad while they're reading the papers and watching the tv, and last resort go to grandma's room watch her watching tv. i'm very irritating when i'm bored but i can't do those for long cause they're also bored of me being irritating when i'm bored. so my sister will shout at me soon, my brother will throw something at me soon, and as for my parents, they will start to think i'm a annoying bad son so i will not let them think that way. grandma will love me to go into her room and lie on her bed cause i look like i love her. i mean i do but she will talk funny stuff to me which i don't like to hear.
of course, there are many things i could do: making full use of my time, i could read the papers or learn some songs on the guitar (but i won't learn unless its really nice or i have to play it for something, or i'd just forget it quickly) or i could chat and waste my time away lepaking and become the lepaKING!!!
06/12/08, 12:28pm.
Monday, December 1, 2008
mad moon
hi i just got back from M'sia again and this is the first thing i'm doing after shitting bathing checking sms and email, pretty much the same loser stuff like last tuesday. but this is damn retarded cause i went to Malaysia 8 days out of 11! like twice in one-and-a-half weeks hohoho.
so this Malaysia trip was also quite boring, main point not being a holiday but to attend dad's friend's birthday dinner. day 1 was a settling down in Malacca before going to Port Dickson in day 2 for the party and dinner. only good thing which happened there was tht the hotel we stayed in were water chalets, like resorts above the ocean on stilts (good place for honeymooning but there's nothing much in the vincinity for recreation so if you go there on a honeymoon it's just repeated sexing in your beautiful water chalet) and two awesome soccer matches on tv. day 3 was today where the convoy of cars went to dragonfruit plantation, pao shop to eat pao and drink coffee, coffee shop where we drank really thick kopi and then we parted with our KL flenz and embarked a 4 hour journey home on the dark highway back to Sg. tonight's moon was funny, the crescent hanging horizontally in the sky with two stars a distance above it a distance apart from each other, like a smiley face! quite freaky though. oh i slept quite a bit in the car today and also drank alot of coffee so tonight ggxxx no need sleep.
i want to hurry take driving so i can help me dad drive up and down Malaysia next time. it's not really cause i find it cool but rather, i don't like sitting in the car chilling for overly long hours sleeping my time away or stoning but would rather do something constructive or helpful towards the family. that would allow my dad to be the helpless loser chilling in the backseat while i help him out for a while til i'm tired and want to take over as the Backseat Loser. also, being the driver means you get to control alot of things, like the air con and the music which is playing - very important to me since my dad always plays his Mandarin cds or tune in to Mandarin stations even though he listens to ang moh music at times. like quite purposely but ok, moral of the story is i want to hurry learn driving so i can help him.
and i think i would like to drive a manual car. i don't know what are the advantages over an automatic but if there are none then obviously forget it. however, i find manual things cooler cause:
1. they're old which means they're more original which means they contain more of the essence of doing whatever you're doing. the automatics prefer convenience over the process of thought and action.
2. they're old which means they're more vintage which means they're sexier in looks and rarer today. owning an antique provides a tingling sense of excitement and sex.
3. i'd tell you when i think of more reasons apart from it being old. after all, when you take a picture today, the digital cameras only go for WHAT you are taking as compared to HOW you would go around taking what you are taking if you use a manual camera, thus losing out in the real deal of photography. of course you can control many things in a digital camera despite there being presets for you to use, but in a manual camera you have no damn help from presets but to learn how to do it by yourself manually and that's when the fun kicks in. ok time for lameass online games :)
02/12/08, 12:26am.
so this Malaysia trip was also quite boring, main point not being a holiday but to attend dad's friend's birthday dinner. day 1 was a settling down in Malacca before going to Port Dickson in day 2 for the party and dinner. only good thing which happened there was tht the hotel we stayed in were water chalets, like resorts above the ocean on stilts (good place for honeymooning but there's nothing much in the vincinity for recreation so if you go there on a honeymoon it's just repeated sexing in your beautiful water chalet) and two awesome soccer matches on tv. day 3 was today where the convoy of cars went to dragonfruit plantation, pao shop to eat pao and drink coffee, coffee shop where we drank really thick kopi and then we parted with our KL flenz and embarked a 4 hour journey home on the dark highway back to Sg. tonight's moon was funny, the crescent hanging horizontally in the sky with two stars a distance above it a distance apart from each other, like a smiley face! quite freaky though. oh i slept quite a bit in the car today and also drank alot of coffee so tonight ggxxx no need sleep.
i want to hurry take driving so i can help me dad drive up and down Malaysia next time. it's not really cause i find it cool but rather, i don't like sitting in the car chilling for overly long hours sleeping my time away or stoning but would rather do something constructive or helpful towards the family. that would allow my dad to be the helpless loser chilling in the backseat while i help him out for a while til i'm tired and want to take over as the Backseat Loser. also, being the driver means you get to control alot of things, like the air con and the music which is playing - very important to me since my dad always plays his Mandarin cds or tune in to Mandarin stations even though he listens to ang moh music at times. like quite purposely but ok, moral of the story is i want to hurry learn driving so i can help him.
and i think i would like to drive a manual car. i don't know what are the advantages over an automatic but if there are none then obviously forget it. however, i find manual things cooler cause:
1. they're old which means they're more original which means they contain more of the essence of doing whatever you're doing. the automatics prefer convenience over the process of thought and action.
2. they're old which means they're more vintage which means they're sexier in looks and rarer today. owning an antique provides a tingling sense of excitement and sex.
3. i'd tell you when i think of more reasons apart from it being old. after all, when you take a picture today, the digital cameras only go for WHAT you are taking as compared to HOW you would go around taking what you are taking if you use a manual camera, thus losing out in the real deal of photography. of course you can control many things in a digital camera despite there being presets for you to use, but in a manual camera you have no damn help from presets but to learn how to do it by yourself manually and that's when the fun kicks in. ok time for lameass online games :)
02/12/08, 12:26am.
Friday, November 28, 2008
moviemania again!
okay here's what:
yesterday after hockey physical, i went over to the market because i wanted to get my lunch and my haircut but Nur malay barber was closed (i forgot it closes every Friday) so i just got my lunch and went home. decided to watch a movie online and so got started on Nacho Libre while i started on my lunch too, simultaneously. then bathed and played a little Neopets :) and headed to church.
for altar boys movie night haha. had dinner with Chad, Josh, Aaron & Gabriel at 7:30pm then went over to church to begin at 8:30 with Gridiron Gang. standard inspirational sports show of a determined man teaching young losers to play a sport then turning them into winners, only that for this show, the kids are gangsters and the sport is American football so the job for their coach ain't that easy cause you're simply teaching the kids how to use violence they already know, legally. then we caught the Dark Knight and of course, it was still as awesome as when i first caught it, it's really smart. lastly we watched Big Momma's House 2 and i got tired halfway so went to sleep 20mins away from the end of the show. it's quite retarded but even more retarded how i endured the shit only to be not able to know the ending. then when it ended i simply got up, and changed my sleeping position when everyone else slept too. for me, it was from the table to the floor - quite a huge change, and a bad choice too.
now here's what's screwed up, i'm not talking as though it happened yesterday, but simple 3+/4 hours ago, and that's because i can't afford to. i'm leaving for Malaysia in about 2 hours and that's 8 days of Malaysia out of 11 straight days. got forced into it but i guess it's good i can leave Singapore where i've spent all my money and come back next week with a meagre set of allowance for the following week. in the meantime, i'd just use my parents money and shop for some clothing there over the weekend!
29/11/08, 6:55am.
yesterday after hockey physical, i went over to the market because i wanted to get my lunch and my haircut but Nur malay barber was closed (i forgot it closes every Friday) so i just got my lunch and went home. decided to watch a movie online and so got started on Nacho Libre while i started on my lunch too, simultaneously. then bathed and played a little Neopets :) and headed to church.
for altar boys movie night haha. had dinner with Chad, Josh, Aaron & Gabriel at 7:30pm then went over to church to begin at 8:30 with Gridiron Gang. standard inspirational sports show of a determined man teaching young losers to play a sport then turning them into winners, only that for this show, the kids are gangsters and the sport is American football so the job for their coach ain't that easy cause you're simply teaching the kids how to use violence they already know, legally. then we caught the Dark Knight and of course, it was still as awesome as when i first caught it, it's really smart. lastly we watched Big Momma's House 2 and i got tired halfway so went to sleep 20mins away from the end of the show. it's quite retarded but even more retarded how i endured the shit only to be not able to know the ending. then when it ended i simply got up, and changed my sleeping position when everyone else slept too. for me, it was from the table to the floor - quite a huge change, and a bad choice too.
now here's what's screwed up, i'm not talking as though it happened yesterday, but simple 3+/4 hours ago, and that's because i can't afford to. i'm leaving for Malaysia in about 2 hours and that's 8 days of Malaysia out of 11 straight days. got forced into it but i guess it's good i can leave Singapore where i've spent all my money and come back next week with a meagre set of allowance for the following week. in the meantime, i'd just use my parents money and shop for some clothing there over the weekend!
29/11/08, 6:55am.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sakura Day
wow you know i didn't want to blog about today cause it was just too awesome til i didn't want to share about it. but i read fleddie's blog and saw his recount of it that i'm going to share some of it here. promise it won't be long.
here it goes. for the main part of it, http://yourbeautyinapicture.wordpress.com.
for my part of it, everyone's gotta try wasabi snorting. do it like you do your normal cocaine or powdered drugs by snorting a whole load of it up your nose with a straw then you start coughing and trying to get it out. you tear, and whatever comes after varies - eye swells, headaches, blocked nose, but definitely it won't get you high. you get happy though :)
maybe there will be a dimsum buffet next week! but it's only 30 plates per person, still call buffet. it would be awesome anyway, though not very awesome thinking about how 1 buffet can blow my entire week's allowance when i still have to eat normal food on other days.
only if a buffet can keep your hunger away for 3 days. unfortunately, we ened at 2.30 today and i was hungry by 7.30. growing boy sia.
27/11/08, 10:07pm.
here it goes. for the main part of it, http://yourbeautyinapicture.wordpress.com.
for my part of it, everyone's gotta try wasabi snorting. do it like you do your normal cocaine or powdered drugs by snorting a whole load of it up your nose with a straw then you start coughing and trying to get it out. you tear, and whatever comes after varies - eye swells, headaches, blocked nose, but definitely it won't get you high. you get happy though :)
maybe there will be a dimsum buffet next week! but it's only 30 plates per person, still call buffet. it would be awesome anyway, though not very awesome thinking about how 1 buffet can blow my entire week's allowance when i still have to eat normal food on other days.
only if a buffet can keep your hunger away for 3 days. unfortunately, we ened at 2.30 today and i was hungry by 7.30. growing boy sia.
27/11/08, 10:07pm.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
for the longer part of tonight, i've been trying to find something meaningful to do so that i won't look like a stoning loser, but i just chatted my time away and now i feel like one so i've got to admit - i am a loser.
today, we had hockey training in the sun (we always had, today's was worse) and then lunch at Tpy's Subway before going to City Hall to buy new slippers cause my old one which was very seasoned and sexy broke while i was playing hockey (in slippers cause i took out my shoes alr). retarded, and so i bought Surfer's Paradise Havaianas lookalikes for only 7.90bugs and it's so cheap that i bet you'd be jealous the moment you see it. ok you CONFIRM jealous cause if not, you're someone who goes for brand only haha noob and i don't really like the colour of it. it's yellow and black, very striking, very mud.
there's class outing tmr! SAKURA BUFFET $22! it's really crazy and we can only eat from 12-2.30pm so gotta chiong real quick! going over to Justin's house in the morning at 9 to paint a little of his walls then earn some little cash. hopefully to fund a little of the 22$. ok see you.
i'm a bored loser.
26/11/08, 10:37pm.
today, we had hockey training in the sun (we always had, today's was worse) and then lunch at Tpy's Subway before going to City Hall to buy new slippers cause my old one which was very seasoned and sexy broke while i was playing hockey (in slippers cause i took out my shoes alr). retarded, and so i bought Surfer's Paradise Havaianas lookalikes for only 7.90bugs and it's so cheap that i bet you'd be jealous the moment you see it. ok you CONFIRM jealous cause if not, you're someone who goes for brand only haha noob and i don't really like the colour of it. it's yellow and black, very striking, very mud.
there's class outing tmr! SAKURA BUFFET $22! it's really crazy and we can only eat from 12-2.30pm so gotta chiong real quick! going over to Justin's house in the morning at 9 to paint a little of his walls then earn some little cash. hopefully to fund a little of the 22$. ok see you.
i'm a bored loser.
26/11/08, 10:37pm.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
nope i didn't visit Frolick yet again.
i finally found that girl somewhere on the supermassive World Wide Webbbbb! okay to find out more about this insightful discovery, you could ask me personally cause i don't want to reveal it here and look like a pervert / stalker / gay / loser / whatever you want.
25/11/08, 7:58pm.
i finally found that girl somewhere on the supermassive World Wide Webbbbb! okay to find out more about this insightful discovery, you could ask me personally cause i don't want to reveal it here and look like a pervert / stalker / gay / loser / whatever you want.
25/11/08, 7:58pm.
Kuching + i fell for the girl on tv
ok i just came back from Malaysia like 45 mins ago, i mean reached home, and it's not really Msia but Kuching in Sarawak, Borneo. they merged anyway so fuck it. the moment i came home, i check my hp, took a shit, checked my mail, replied whatever i needed to and then blog.
i didn't do much there cept eat and shit, (one dude and his wife were Veggiemen, like vegetarians) so we ate alot of rice and veggie, that's about it. also i took many photos cause i saw many things i have never seen before in my whole entire life, like those really traditional ways of like as well as the coolio animals at endangered places. one thing about the photos i took: almost 3 rolls (<3x36) but many were badly exposed hahaha damn but since it's my first 'phototrip' i can't be happier since majority of them look fine (after seeing the negatives la, had them done there at 5 ringgit. hope that's cheep).
anyway, other than the food and the shit and the photos, i also watched tv every night cause they had some cable tv channels which i don't at home - very few, like ESPN, Astro Supersport (or something like tht), Discovery and Mtv. i like to watch soccer, just tht i don't get the chance to at home, so i watched it there almost every night out of the 4 nights til i went happily tired and then went to bed. of course, when there wasn't soccer, it would either be some cool show on Discovery or else this month's Mtv featured artist (don't tell you who, go find out) which got me really turned on everytime i saw that little commercial. haha damnz.
okay i can't really say much about the trip in detail apart from the fact that i took many pictures of things i had never seen, and hardly mixed around with the people we went with (Dad's friend and Dad's friend's friends) cause they all spoke a mixture of Chinese, Cantonese, Hokkien/Teochew (they're roughly the same, at least to me) and very little Ang Moh. of course my Chinese is bad, my Hokkien/Teochew is worse and to make it all even more horrid, they communicated primarily in Canton. so communications wise it was all pretty fucked up cept for the few who could converse in proper English or simple Mandarin at a reasonable pace for me to comprehend. there were quite a few of them actually, so i don't really know why i didn't mix much with them. nevermind, there are quite a lot of photos (not really alot, just different shots of the same thing) which i will show you soon enough hopefully and then you will know more about Kuching and the cats there.
uching means 'cat' in Malay and last of all, i didn't shop much there, buying only a t-shirt for myself (SUPER BLINKXZ) and many friendship band things and beaded things which you wear around your wrist. i will be wearing them for the period ahead of me now til all i have with me are spoilt, but i bought so many was also to give them away so flenzzz, i can give them away but you should ask me cause i don't have enough for all my flenz considering that i'm by far a too flenly guy ok not really but point is, ask from me if you want one! if not, i'd just keep changing them as i wear them out. cool seh.
oh ya they also conversed in Bahasa Melayu and of course, i ain't good at it.
25/11/08, 6:27pm.
i didn't do much there cept eat and shit, (one dude and his wife were Veggiemen, like vegetarians) so we ate alot of rice and veggie, that's about it. also i took many photos cause i saw many things i have never seen before in my whole entire life, like those really traditional ways of like as well as the coolio animals at endangered places. one thing about the photos i took: almost 3 rolls (<3x36) but many were badly exposed hahaha damn but since it's my first 'phototrip' i can't be happier since majority of them look fine (after seeing the negatives la, had them done there at 5 ringgit. hope that's cheep).
anyway, other than the food and the shit and the photos, i also watched tv every night cause they had some cable tv channels which i don't at home - very few, like ESPN, Astro Supersport (or something like tht), Discovery and Mtv. i like to watch soccer, just tht i don't get the chance to at home, so i watched it there almost every night out of the 4 nights til i went happily tired and then went to bed. of course, when there wasn't soccer, it would either be some cool show on Discovery or else this month's Mtv featured artist (don't tell you who, go find out) which got me really turned on everytime i saw that little commercial. haha damnz.
okay i can't really say much about the trip in detail apart from the fact that i took many pictures of things i had never seen, and hardly mixed around with the people we went with (Dad's friend and Dad's friend's friends) cause they all spoke a mixture of Chinese, Cantonese, Hokkien/Teochew (they're roughly the same, at least to me) and very little Ang Moh. of course my Chinese is bad, my Hokkien/Teochew is worse and to make it all even more horrid, they communicated primarily in Canton. so communications wise it was all pretty fucked up cept for the few who could converse in proper English or simple Mandarin at a reasonable pace for me to comprehend. there were quite a few of them actually, so i don't really know why i didn't mix much with them. nevermind, there are quite a lot of photos (not really alot, just different shots of the same thing) which i will show you soon enough hopefully and then you will know more about Kuching and the cats there.
uching means 'cat' in Malay and last of all, i didn't shop much there, buying only a t-shirt for myself (SUPER BLINKXZ) and many friendship band things and beaded things which you wear around your wrist. i will be wearing them for the period ahead of me now til all i have with me are spoilt, but i bought so many was also to give them away so flenzzz, i can give them away but you should ask me cause i don't have enough for all my flenz considering that i'm by far a too flenly guy ok not really but point is, ask from me if you want one! if not, i'd just keep changing them as i wear them out. cool seh.
oh ya they also conversed in Bahasa Melayu and of course, i ain't good at it.
25/11/08, 6:27pm.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
was with 1t23 last night for dinner and lepak time. we met Nicholas at SGCC after dinner at Chomp Chomp, sat down and talked to him before we went to Frolick for frozen yoghurt and of course, we saw what every other guy also wanted to see at Frolick when we got there. hahaha, the girl is really damn bloody hot but we sat there and talked about many stuff, stuff that guys can hear and girls can hear, as well as stuff that guys can hear but girls cannot hear. nevertheless, i bet they (the 3 shop owners) still heard us. only 1 of them mattered anyway, you know which one! :D DAMN HOT SIOL.
anyway, another part of our conversation yesterday was about Mark V the joke of the day. it was said that during SJI days, Mark sat down with a group of friends including Chao Hao, now not a very close friend of Mark hahah. this was what happened...
Chao: wah you know ah, when it finally comes, it shoots out ah!
Mark: Chao, you don't know you don't anyhow talk la, it's supposed to leak out.
HOHOHO, look whose is spoilt! oh Nicholas also told us to spread this, but not say it was from him (BROTHER PAUL STYLE!!!). it's the Nicholas from basketball. i guess this joke is really true cause when Nicholas told us about it, Qing said he heard it before too! i guess it's not something that was made up hur hur.
anyway, i'm going Malaysia tmr, some funny parts - Kuching, Sarawak, etc. it's going to be boring i guess, but a sight-seeing trip + camera + some rolls of film can't turn out TOO bad! and there's going to be shopping too i hope, well no one can beat George, SHE'S IN HK! HONGKONG AH HONG KAN!!! til i come back on Tuesday, seeya dudes, don't die.
20/11/08, 10:43pm.
anyway, another part of our conversation yesterday was about Mark V the joke of the day. it was said that during SJI days, Mark sat down with a group of friends including Chao Hao, now not a very close friend of Mark hahah. this was what happened...
Chao: wah you know ah, when it finally comes, it shoots out ah!
Mark: Chao, you don't know you don't anyhow talk la, it's supposed to leak out.
HOHOHO, look whose is spoilt! oh Nicholas also told us to spread this, but not say it was from him (BROTHER PAUL STYLE!!!). it's the Nicholas from basketball. i guess this joke is really true cause when Nicholas told us about it, Qing said he heard it before too! i guess it's not something that was made up hur hur.
anyway, i'm going Malaysia tmr, some funny parts - Kuching, Sarawak, etc. it's going to be boring i guess, but a sight-seeing trip + camera + some rolls of film can't turn out TOO bad! and there's going to be shopping too i hope, well no one can beat George, SHE'S IN HK! HONGKONG AH HONG KAN!!! til i come back on Tuesday, seeya dudes, don't die.
20/11/08, 10:43pm.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
a load off my breast
hi all you losers who come here to read this shit which i dictate to you. thanks anyway for helping my realise my dream and i know you will be the first of my supporters when i begin my coup.
anyway, i owed my sis 100$ which i borrowed to buy camera and Gabriel 30$ which i borrowed to buy bus concession. that's what you have to know for now. well today, i got a load off my chest and a load off my mind cause i removed the small silicon paddings i put into my chest to look stronger (load off my chest) and don't have to worry now about saggy boobs when i grow older (load off my mind) ok sorry.
i slept throughout the day after guitar lesson and lunch with Leongyi, only to wake up at 6 and leave the house at 7 to go to Sembawang to sell my Vox wah at 8pm and my tuner at Woodlands at 830pm. well my trip to Sembawang was long but upon reaching there i met a nice dude who paid up promptly. however throughout my journey there, the malay fucker Ady kept trying to bargain his way through with his 25$ when we agreed on 30$ earlier in the week. after i dealt at Sembawang, he still insisted on his 25$ so not wanting to waste my time travelling there (Woodlands was 2 stops away from Sembawang only, i realised today), i gave in to his fucked up request. then came home for dinner.
i was warned of such people before, those who agree on the price yet try to change it upon dealing. well i messaged Ady before, and we couldn't deal on other days due to his work. that told me he was an adult. however, that slipped my mind and while he was bargaining today over text, it came across very normally to me that he was a child. when i called him, he sounded like a child of my age over the phone too, but haha when i finally met him, i remembered. anyway, he said hi, i let him try, he said okay, paid money, then ended off with a 'nice dealing with you'. ya right fucker, luckily i stayed far away lazy come back another day. haha so i came home with 105, 80$ and 25$ for the wah respectively and paid my sis the 100$. time to save more cash for gabriel's debt.
anyway, i owed my sis 100$ which i borrowed to buy camera and Gabriel 30$ which i borrowed to buy bus concession. that's what you have to know for now. well today, i got a load off my chest and a load off my mind cause i removed the small silicon paddings i put into my chest to look stronger (load off my chest) and don't have to worry now about saggy boobs when i grow older (load off my mind) ok sorry.
i slept throughout the day after guitar lesson and lunch with Leongyi, only to wake up at 6 and leave the house at 7 to go to Sembawang to sell my Vox wah at 8pm and my tuner at Woodlands at 830pm. well my trip to Sembawang was long but upon reaching there i met a nice dude who paid up promptly. however throughout my journey there, the malay fucker Ady kept trying to bargain his way through with his 25$ when we agreed on 30$ earlier in the week. after i dealt at Sembawang, he still insisted on his 25$ so not wanting to waste my time travelling there (Woodlands was 2 stops away from Sembawang only, i realised today), i gave in to his fucked up request. then came home for dinner.
i was warned of such people before, those who agree on the price yet try to change it upon dealing. well i messaged Ady before, and we couldn't deal on other days due to his work. that told me he was an adult. however, that slipped my mind and while he was bargaining today over text, it came across very normally to me that he was a child. when i called him, he sounded like a child of my age over the phone too, but haha when i finally met him, i remembered. anyway, he said hi, i let him try, he said okay, paid money, then ended off with a 'nice dealing with you'. ya right fucker, luckily i stayed far away lazy come back another day. haha so i came home with 105, 80$ and 25$ for the wah respectively and paid my sis the 100$. time to save more cash for gabriel's debt.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
First Roll!
today, i met Gabriel at Bishan to play camera, its the first time i'm doing it since i got my camera sometime less than a week ago. well, we met up and decided where to go (he wanted Mt. Sophia but we both didn't know where the fuck it was so i objected to it violently) and we decided to take any bus to see where we land up after Ww met us. we boarded 58 and though it passed by Bishan Park which i thought was a good place for camera time, Gabriel had his turn to violently object, so we carried on the ride til we decided to get off at some random place at Payar Lebar before we went too far off. took another bus to the mrt there, at Sg Post Office, and slowly walked around, went up to Barang Barang, took some pictures til we got chased away for taking pictures.
this was the bad part - we got so bored that we walked to Tg Katong Shopping Mall or something like that and City Plaza too, which according to Ww, were 'forgotten Peninsula Plazas' but they were much more fucked up than Penin i must say. how does Xia Xue even come here to find slut clothes. i decided to pon church so we took 13 to Bishan (back again) where we passed by Geyland and spotted some chicken and Gab went for church. Ww and i then looked like gay losers once more and so just waited til Paolo came for dinner with Asyraf and after tht we met back with Gab and Ian his church friend some photog pro. played arcade then left which ended off my really really lame day.
other than the day being really lame and gay (cause i was with Ww again, of all people) it was also cool cause i used 14 frames of my camera! 2 by Ian, 2 by Paolo, 1 by Ww and the rest by me. one good thing about film SLRs is the anticipation you recieve when waiting for that roll to finish and waiting for it to hurry develop. of course, you can't develop it if it doesn't finish, so more anticipation comes as you carry on exposing more and more frames to light til the anticipation reaches 36 frames high! then you wait for it to develop and you reap your rewards hohoho! how cool ok goodnight.
16/11/08, 12:36am.
this was the bad part - we got so bored that we walked to Tg Katong Shopping Mall or something like that and City Plaza too, which according to Ww, were 'forgotten Peninsula Plazas' but they were much more fucked up than Penin i must say. how does Xia Xue even come here to find slut clothes. i decided to pon church so we took 13 to Bishan (back again) where we passed by Geyland and spotted some chicken and Gab went for church. Ww and i then looked like gay losers once more and so just waited til Paolo came for dinner with Asyraf and after tht we met back with Gab and Ian his church friend some photog pro. played arcade then left which ended off my really really lame day.
other than the day being really lame and gay (cause i was with Ww again, of all people) it was also cool cause i used 14 frames of my camera! 2 by Ian, 2 by Paolo, 1 by Ww and the rest by me. one good thing about film SLRs is the anticipation you recieve when waiting for that roll to finish and waiting for it to hurry develop. of course, you can't develop it if it doesn't finish, so more anticipation comes as you carry on exposing more and more frames to light til the anticipation reaches 36 frames high! then you wait for it to develop and you reap your rewards hohoho! how cool ok goodnight.
16/11/08, 12:36am.
Friday, November 14, 2008
only sunny day in a long while!
it's been raining non-stop/continuously for the past few days and everyday in the past few days i've been wearing my slippers around, causing leaves and dirt and other shit and real shit to fly everywhere between my legs and more. so today i decided to wear shoes out to season it in the rain and fuck, it didn't rain. some more, i spent most of my days indoor, what a waste of the good weather!
YMCA briefing from 7-10pm today was quite retarded and gay cause met different people some quite funny and weird. one guy went jail twice and started smoking at 10 wtf! HAHAHA, but he's now taking part in this YMCA camp, well i'm not looking at him in such good light but Yellow Ribbon project so whatever, give him a second chance. damn tired now.
maybe we're going to have another friendly with UWC dudes! :D
15/11/08, 12:34am.
YMCA briefing from 7-10pm today was quite retarded and gay cause met different people some quite funny and weird. one guy went jail twice and started smoking at 10 wtf! HAHAHA, but he's now taking part in this YMCA camp, well i'm not looking at him in such good light but Yellow Ribbon project so whatever, give him a second chance. damn tired now.
maybe we're going to have another friendly with UWC dudes! :D
15/11/08, 12:34am.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
good hockey day
today, there was hockey training at 11am which turned into a friendly between OPSS and CJ don't ask why. they were damn good cause they malays can play with caps and jacket on whereas people like Hisyam can't. so yeah, it was a 7v7 friendly where everyone got to play and i scored a goal. final score was 3-1 to OPSS though i only remembered it as 1-1. then had lunch and went to Dover for another friendly with UWC. their first team thrashed ours 5-1 but we played well too okay. but unfortunately the handsome and well-built Billy was far too handsome and well-built compared to our players that he managed to help UWC score 4 more after half time to make it 5-1 from 1-1. but we played well. but Billy was just too... like a Zac Efron. then we played their B div team which was where i played haha and i scored again :) and final score was 1-1. not bad la everyone played today and everyone played well! (especially one very handsome and very well-built guy)
girls played UWC too, they lost both games i think, 5-0 and 2-0 if i heard correctly. but well done anyway, the girls team must have all been as handsome and well-built as Billy no wonder they can win.
okay tmr got YMCA Y-Camp briefing at 7:30-9:30pm, retarded timing at night. so 1t23, how about a show at either Plaza Sing GV or Cathay before the briefing? if any 1t23 dudes (girls included)sees this, tell me if you want.
SET, bye bye.
13/11/08, 8:34pm.
girls played UWC too, they lost both games i think, 5-0 and 2-0 if i heard correctly. but well done anyway, the girls team must have all been as handsome and well-built as Billy no wonder they can win.
okay tmr got YMCA Y-Camp briefing at 7:30-9:30pm, retarded timing at night. so 1t23, how about a show at either Plaza Sing GV or Cathay before the briefing? if any 1t23 dudes (girls included)sees this, tell me if you want.
SET, bye bye.
13/11/08, 8:34pm.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
class outing one more time!
hello class! where shall we go for our next outing?
something like Escape Theme Park or Wild Wild Wet, or maybe Zoo or Night Safari?
hit me with your choices and we shall see! please do let me know quick alright! :)
1t23 ftw!
something like Escape Theme Park or Wild Wild Wet, or maybe Zoo or Night Safari?
hit me with your choices and we shall see! please do let me know quick alright! :)
1t23 ftw!
Monday, November 10, 2008
very early day
hello, today was a special day! let me first go about talking about what happened today, then on to the special part.
ok, we met at 8 at YCK mrt station before heading to NYP pitch for a friendly against Orchid Park SS @ 9am, but the fucked up thing was it rained around 830am and we all couldn't play. it didn't stop at 11 also, so match was called off. damn rain the joy spoiler! well aft tht i went home showered and went out to meet weida at Orchard at 3. we then headed down to ngee ann, saw friends at Subaru challenge '08, like almost 10 CJ ppl working as marshalls at the same time? then went to Bugis to deal the x700 camera (!!! :D ) and went over to AMK to wait for Sherwin for 1hr. upon his arrival we went back to Orchard cause he wanted to help his bro get birthday present, and got to see Subaru dudes again! should have worked there, quite good to earn $$ siol! haha got home close to 11.
well today was special not in that i wanted it to be, or someone else made it for me, however, i made it happen myself! okay you see, if i had something on, be it remedial / outing / meeting etc, i would USUALLY be 15-45 mins late, less usual timings include <45 mins. This is a cool principle i found off Joshua's desktop wallpaper during those PW days at his place and shall use it as my main excuse for being late. makes sense after all:
ok, we met at 8 at YCK mrt station before heading to NYP pitch for a friendly against Orchid Park SS @ 9am, but the fucked up thing was it rained around 830am and we all couldn't play. it didn't stop at 11 also, so match was called off. damn rain the joy spoiler! well aft tht i went home showered and went out to meet weida at Orchard at 3. we then headed down to ngee ann, saw friends at Subaru challenge '08, like almost 10 CJ ppl working as marshalls at the same time? then went to Bugis to deal the x700 camera (!!! :D ) and went over to AMK to wait for Sherwin for 1hr. upon his arrival we went back to Orchard cause he wanted to help his bro get birthday present, and got to see Subaru dudes again! should have worked there, quite good to earn $$ siol! haha got home close to 11.
well today was special not in that i wanted it to be, or someone else made it for me, however, i made it happen myself! okay you see, if i had something on, be it remedial / outing / meeting etc, i would USUALLY be 15-45 mins late, less usual timings include <45 mins. This is a cool principle i found off Joshua's desktop wallpaper during those PW days at his place and shall use it as my main excuse for being late. makes sense after all:
"He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality was the theif of time" -Oscar Wilde
cool right! haha.
anyway, that's the good thing for today + i bought camera! hahaha for 260$ it was something worth it, but i won't really know until i start having fun with it! bad things for the day being 1) rain made hockey match get cancelled, good chance to thrash malays 2) malay supposed to buy tuner from me for 30$ didn't go home from work on time so couldn't meet him today.
haha this morning, i caught a glimpse of Primetime Morning on CNA, and saw the pretty Suzanne Jung. it finally dawned upon me that she looks like Sam Heng, something i could have realised much earlier.
today was also good day cause town got many hot chicks as usual.
11/11/08, 12:26am.
anyway, that's the good thing for today + i bought camera! hahaha for 260$ it was something worth it, but i won't really know until i start having fun with it! bad things for the day being 1) rain made hockey match get cancelled, good chance to thrash malays 2) malay supposed to buy tuner from me for 30$ didn't go home from work on time so couldn't meet him today.
haha this morning, i caught a glimpse of Primetime Morning on CNA, and saw the pretty Suzanne Jung. it finally dawned upon me that she looks like Sam Heng, something i could have realised much earlier.
today was also good day cause town got many hot chicks as usual.
11/11/08, 12:26am.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Orchid Park
today was another lame boring day with me intending to go for Andrew's confirmation initially, but woke up at 10:51 (it started at 11!) and rushed down. i walked to the 136 bus stop which is slightly further away, and waited 10 mins for 136 and flagged it when it came. then i realised my card got no money! so i walked to srg mrt and bought concession before taking bus to Nativity. it was all a slow process, with me reaching a 12:45? haha almost 2 hrs late, and halfway through the final blessing! quite bad, and it can be said that i didn't attend mass today.
there's a friendly with Orchid Park SS tmr at NYP pitch real early at 8am, hope i would 1) be able to play 2) be able to play well enough not to embarass myself cause i haven't trained since training stopped long time ago! preseason let's go! another match on Thurs with UWC!
i need to make good use of this holidays, not what i'm doing right now.
10/11/08, 12:00am.
there's a friendly with Orchid Park SS tmr at NYP pitch real early at 8am, hope i would 1) be able to play 2) be able to play well enough not to embarass myself cause i haven't trained since training stopped long time ago! preseason let's go! another match on Thurs with UWC!
i need to make good use of this holidays, not what i'm doing right now.
10/11/08, 12:00am.
Friday, November 7, 2008
ABCD: Another Boring Cheebye Day
Gabriel's birthday was bad, i mean the celebration cause there were very few people who were all quite unenthusiastic about it. including me haha. so just rape taupok and 'ancient-ed' him, the new move, all very slipshod-ly.
today was damn boring again cause school ended at 11 or 12 then we went to quadrangle to play for a while then canteen to eat then go home. i left with jj who was another zo-boh for today. damn damn damn sian in days like these when there's really nothing to do, nowhere to go, nobody to play with. so i went home, tried to watch zohan but fell asleep, woke up ate dinner and watched finish it. haha and i'm here doing shit - which will last for quite a while cause i'm sure my nap's going to make me not able to sleep tonight. dang.
at least i know what i can do for a bit of the next few days - Paolo's gig tmr night, Andrew's confirmation the following morning. just hanging out with the guys for the rest of the two days could fill them up haha. Jj's 'life sucks take drugs' :)
oh ya oh ya! today was collect result day! i promoted but cause of moderation and that means i', like the worst of the cohort now that the rest who didn't make it with moderation even are gone (no s-papers, no provisional promotions this year) screw the stupid school, now Jer and Yiwen have to go i guess, quite sad for them and wouldn't have to be so sad if they were replaced with two more ideal individuals for the slot. nevertheless, hope they, as well as other friends who didn't make it, can take it easy and do better in what they do next! or apply for retaining!
07/11/08, 10:10pm.
today was damn boring again cause school ended at 11 or 12 then we went to quadrangle to play for a while then canteen to eat then go home. i left with jj who was another zo-boh for today. damn damn damn sian in days like these when there's really nothing to do, nowhere to go, nobody to play with. so i went home, tried to watch zohan but fell asleep, woke up ate dinner and watched finish it. haha and i'm here doing shit - which will last for quite a while cause i'm sure my nap's going to make me not able to sleep tonight. dang.
at least i know what i can do for a bit of the next few days - Paolo's gig tmr night, Andrew's confirmation the following morning. just hanging out with the guys for the rest of the two days could fill them up haha. Jj's 'life sucks take drugs' :)
oh ya oh ya! today was collect result day! i promoted but cause of moderation and that means i', like the worst of the cohort now that the rest who didn't make it with moderation even are gone (no s-papers, no provisional promotions this year) screw the stupid school, now Jer and Yiwen have to go i guess, quite sad for them and wouldn't have to be so sad if they were replaced with two more ideal individuals for the slot. nevertheless, hope they, as well as other friends who didn't make it, can take it easy and do better in what they do next! or apply for retaining!
07/11/08, 10:10pm.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
latest latest!
when Fat Ted and friends told Fat Marist to bring 3 sets of clothing tmr-
Gabriel says:
.TED says:
for your own good
Gabriel says:
i dont think i have enuff underwear
really ggxxx.
07/11/08, 12:38am.
when Fat Ted and friends told Fat Marist to bring 3 sets of clothing tmr-
Gabriel says:
.TED says:
for your own good
Gabriel says:
i dont think i have enuff underwear
really ggxxx.
07/11/08, 12:38am.
.TED says:
tmr gabriel birthday
Happy Marcus says:
.TED says:
Happy Marcus says:
good luck gab
07/11/08, 12:36am.
tmr gabriel birthday
Happy Marcus says:
.TED says:
Happy Marcus says:
good luck gab
07/11/08, 12:36am.
haha class bbq was cool. we thought we didn't have enough food, but actually there were more than enough till Sailorgay, Aaron, Sean or Shaun or Shawn came over. they helped to eat! ahah while we swam. ok unusual bbq but food was awesome thanks to Hi Qing but though it seemed to be the highlight of the evening, Anton got drunk. that was the highlight haha Qing puked his expensive bbq dinner out but Anton brought it home ardously through a long walk out of Qing's house, a bus ride and a long walk back to his own house. haha we just tortured him while he was at keeping it all in. haha cute sia.
1t23 tmr class breakfast tp macs 8am! come if you think you should come! wow tmr take result sia.
06/11/08, 11:51pm.
1t23 tmr class breakfast tp macs 8am! come if you think you should come! wow tmr take result sia.
06/11/08, 11:51pm.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i need $
today was quite bad, remember i said i wanted to plan something with Ww tht cb but in the end i just slept my day away and in front of the com too. quite sad :(
anway, i need money and thus, am going to sell random stuff ranging from stuff you can find people selling on the net to stuff you can only find me selling on the net. SO WATCH THIS SPACE THANKS.
i need $$$.
06/11/08, 12:17am.
anway, i need money and thus, am going to sell random stuff ranging from stuff you can find people selling on the net to stuff you can only find me selling on the net. SO WATCH THIS SPACE THANKS.
i need $$$.
06/11/08, 12:17am.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Bananarama & Moviemania @ Qing's!
hello and good morning! i just returned home from Qing's place which was not helluva night, but not too bad anyway. there's nobody home now cept granny and that's pretty usual, what being more usual was that she nagged about staying over at people's places again haha.
well last night we caught Jackass Vol. 1 disc 1 first, then Babylon A.D. after which Jeremy, Shannon, Anton, Jj, songen, Darius & Aaron left. i swear Shannon looks so much like Alvan esp when he had long hair haha. okay we then carried on with Indiana Jones and the crystal skull pangsai (which i found boring and thus went to clinch a cemera deal, dealing this friday! :D ) and then watched Jackass Vol. 1 disc 2. after that was shit cooking which was really shit i couldn't explain cept the fact it tasted slightly better than shit, and then we carried on with Money No Enough II! haha then went to sleep, and that ended our 9pm - 5am movie mania. i wanted to watch Zohan aft tht but everyone was tired so okay. haha. oh ya only me and Phelan stayed.
wah i tell you the best show was Money No Enough II cause the whole mother theme was damn good, better than the money part haha. ok i better be filial and piety to my parents and grandparents or else i kena film in Money No Enough III. Babylon A.D. was just too fictious and confusing while Indiana Jones was too lame and shitass (i would've enjoyed it in p6 but too bad in p6 i was studying for my 235 psle score). one more awesome thing - Jackass. it was their first video of stunts, and some of it we gotta and will be trying! maybe we're trying the egg eating contest tmr at class bbq! (where you just keep eating as many as you in 1 hr, vomit alr still keep eating - and there's the point around 20 eggs where you puke once per egg hohoho how nice!)
that being said, 1t23 (& prolly friends of the class?) bbq tmr at idk where but please do come alright, class? seeya'll! ok time for me to organize something for the rest of my day, prolly gay time with Ww tht cb.
05/11/08, 12:31pm.
well last night we caught Jackass Vol. 1 disc 1 first, then Babylon A.D. after which Jeremy, Shannon, Anton, Jj, songen, Darius & Aaron left. i swear Shannon looks so much like Alvan esp when he had long hair haha. okay we then carried on with Indiana Jones and the crystal skull pangsai (which i found boring and thus went to clinch a cemera deal, dealing this friday! :D ) and then watched Jackass Vol. 1 disc 2. after that was shit cooking which was really shit i couldn't explain cept the fact it tasted slightly better than shit, and then we carried on with Money No Enough II! haha then went to sleep, and that ended our 9pm - 5am movie mania. i wanted to watch Zohan aft tht but everyone was tired so okay. haha. oh ya only me and Phelan stayed.
wah i tell you the best show was Money No Enough II cause the whole mother theme was damn good, better than the money part haha. ok i better be filial and piety to my parents and grandparents or else i kena film in Money No Enough III. Babylon A.D. was just too fictious and confusing while Indiana Jones was too lame and shitass (i would've enjoyed it in p6 but too bad in p6 i was studying for my 235 psle score). one more awesome thing - Jackass. it was their first video of stunts, and some of it we gotta and will be trying! maybe we're trying the egg eating contest tmr at class bbq! (where you just keep eating as many as you in 1 hr, vomit alr still keep eating - and there's the point around 20 eggs where you puke once per egg hohoho how nice!)
that being said, 1t23 (& prolly friends of the class?) bbq tmr at idk where but please do come alright, class? seeya'll! ok time for me to organize something for the rest of my day, prolly gay time with Ww tht cb.
05/11/08, 12:31pm.
Gabriel is indie king
haha i edited the 2nd para of my post yesterday away cause i made the indie king sad that he is doing a stupid thing by being the indie king. sorry Gabriel you are indie king forever because you also own ls. haha, ok i'm off to Qing's! very few people going :(
04/11/08, 6:39pm.
04/11/08, 6:39pm.
Monday, November 3, 2008
indie is mainstream
if there really were a Superman, he would be special. but if everybody wants to become Superman, because he was special, then where does the special remain in Superman? therefore, indie is nothing but the new mainstream.
people like Ww buy toys easily from retail outlets and collectors shops, while people like me find immense difficulty in getting mine, and i wonder why. of course, you gotta see what 'toys' refer to in the first place la, with both our 'toys' actually referring to different things here! :)
OP over today, not too bad, didn't screw up and people said we were awesome! thanks! FUCKOP! good luck to Freddie Hanxun Lester Georgina and Darius who are taking theirs tmr!
03/11/08, 10:35pm.
people like Ww buy toys easily from retail outlets and collectors shops, while people like me find immense difficulty in getting mine, and i wonder why. of course, you gotta see what 'toys' refer to in the first place la, with both our 'toys' actually referring to different things here! :)
OP over today, not too bad, didn't screw up and people said we were awesome! thanks! FUCKOP! good luck to Freddie Hanxun Lester Georgina and Darius who are taking theirs tmr!
03/11/08, 10:35pm.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
2 boring days in a row
it's been 2 boring days filled with the same activities, simply rearranged. yesterday was pw then all saints mass in the evening, and today is normal sunday mass in the morning and pw now. luckily no travelling to yishun for pw today unlike the past 2 days cause i'm at home touching up my slides and doing i&r for tmr's OP. after tht pw can suck my shit hohoho!
thought about why i blog even though there's nothing much to blog about: because i sit in front of the computer quite a lot, pretty much 90% of my time at home and not sleeping. haha cause there aren't console games here, and the tv's just the usual channels and i don't really watch tv too. thus i use the computer quite a lot, for games music movies chat buying/selling and pretty much everything else apart from sleeping / studying / peeing / eating (also done in front of the computer hahah) so i'm pretty much of a computer loser who does nothing at home other than using the com BUT then again, i'm out of home most of the time! of course, some of the time is spent talking cock with mom or willingly heading over to granny's room to hear her nag for usual stuff.
and i do realise i always blog in between my agenda. like i've got a list of stuff to do on the com, but blogging comes in between. say today, i've gotta touch up my slides and complete i&r, and i've just finished the slides, so i'm blogging now and then going to do my i&r. reason being: blogging before i start work = having fun before work and finishing work before blogging = i don't know what time i'd finish work thus don't know if i would have time to blog. yeah pretty simple reasoning. ok time for i&r!
listening to some classical radio on 92.4fm now, really soothing haha prolly cause i just had some nigga beats and tunes off some random hip hop site. 91.3 i think it was, so the contrast is there. :)
02/11/08, 2:55pm.
thought about why i blog even though there's nothing much to blog about: because i sit in front of the computer quite a lot, pretty much 90% of my time at home and not sleeping. haha cause there aren't console games here, and the tv's just the usual channels and i don't really watch tv too. thus i use the computer quite a lot, for games music movies chat buying/selling and pretty much everything else apart from sleeping / studying / peeing / eating (also done in front of the computer hahah) so i'm pretty much of a computer loser who does nothing at home other than using the com BUT then again, i'm out of home most of the time! of course, some of the time is spent talking cock with mom or willingly heading over to granny's room to hear her nag for usual stuff.
and i do realise i always blog in between my agenda. like i've got a list of stuff to do on the com, but blogging comes in between. say today, i've gotta touch up my slides and complete i&r, and i've just finished the slides, so i'm blogging now and then going to do my i&r. reason being: blogging before i start work = having fun before work and finishing work before blogging = i don't know what time i'd finish work thus don't know if i would have time to blog. yeah pretty simple reasoning. ok time for i&r!
listening to some classical radio on 92.4fm now, really soothing haha prolly cause i just had some nigga beats and tunes off some random hip hop site. 91.3 i think it was, so the contrast is there. :)
02/11/08, 2:55pm.
Friday, October 31, 2008
trick / treat
today's halloween was bad cause we were tricked into going 6th avenue by someone and she not only tricked us but many others as well haha. so that so like saw 20/30+ people walking from namly garden at 6th avenue all the way to the further end of hwa chong. for like, an hour plus. before that was just dinner at far east and some walking of 6th avenue on our own. ok la quite boring, super thirsty and intended to stay out but didn't cause everyone went home. however brought like 60 out and returned home with 56! that was because i didn't have to buy any costume haha mine was super slack. Marcus teo brought a lot of things for us to wear so many of us just used his things like i just wore a wig the entire night. damn lame but whatever i didn't spend cash. ok it's gna / will be more than just this next year. :)
happy halloween.
01/11/08, 12:42am.
happy halloween.
01/11/08, 12:42am.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
and there's good news for all
here goes, I PROMOTED! ahaha, actually its just i promoted (no caps) cause ravi told me that without any evidence and i'm afraid he counted wrong and thus thought i promoted. however, i'm not doubting him and still feel very relieved hahahahahahahaha it's a very good day today and when a day is good, people don't celebrate on the day itself as they want to goodness of the good day to carry on. thus, they celebrate on the day after.
that brings me onto the next point, 1t23's having our halloween party tomorrow! can't tell you the details in case someone not supposed to read comes and read or something, and comes to tell someone not supposed to know! then i can't go for such happy occasions anymore in the future! so for now it's just class chalet, let you know more when it's over!
let the happiness spread! since i promised myself to be a good boy til the 7th, i shall carry on doing so (in case the news is fake) and also my theory of me being good for my friends - that they can get good upon them by feeding on my sacrifices. so so, no being a bad boy, help me if i don't keep to it! also hope i can get my camera by this weekend! :) cheers to life and promotion! (cheers without beer cause good boys don't drink beer)
30/10/08, 10:05pm.
that brings me onto the next point, 1t23's having our halloween party tomorrow! can't tell you the details in case someone not supposed to read comes and read or something, and comes to tell someone not supposed to know! then i can't go for such happy occasions anymore in the future! so for now it's just class chalet, let you know more when it's over!
let the happiness spread! since i promised myself to be a good boy til the 7th, i shall carry on doing so (in case the news is fake) and also my theory of me being good for my friends - that they can get good upon them by feeding on my sacrifices. so so, no being a bad boy, help me if i don't keep to it! also hope i can get my camera by this weekend! :) cheers to life and promotion! (cheers without beer cause good boys don't drink beer)
30/10/08, 10:05pm.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gabriel asked why he was not under the list of strong men who don't need jacket. ok la you are a strong man who don't need jacket la ego cheebye kaninabu nehnehpok look for special mention in people blog you super indie-kia action to the max like a fat-marist becoming into a Tedmond.
oh ya, the Fat Marist is my 70c swimming buddy who calls me 'noob swimmer' cause i'm really damn noob, and we're going again tmr evening after my pw! weekday, hopefully not so crowded! :)
28/10/08, 10:08pm.
oh ya, the Fat Marist is my 70c swimming buddy who calls me 'noob swimmer' cause i'm really damn noob, and we're going again tmr evening after my pw! weekday, hopefully not so crowded! :)
28/10/08, 10:08pm.
act like you do give a shit
was just talking to Ww about someone, and he shared with me that he really liked the way this guy converses. it's not hilariously funny or deeply insightful, but it's just the way he responses, as though he gives a shit. to Marcus, it's his 'i do care about this shit you're telling me' replies which matter, but for me, i see more than that. when i speak to him, i know he's frank and doesn't lie (not all the time, but in conversations) and these traits, most of all, don't usually come from people (stereopytically) of his ilk.
now it's not what it means to Weiwen and what it means to me here which matters, however, it's the kind of response. many people around us also reply with i-do-give-a-shit replies, and they, undoubtedly, play a role in making ourselves feel slightly more welcomed by our friends, or feel smart by being able to talk about releavant stuff. it beats talking shit to someone who doesn't even give a shit so as to make you feel like shit.
this thing about people's responses has been in me for quite a while now, but i've never really shared it with anyone until Marcus brought it up today - only for me to realise that i myself don't watch my responses. I usually make sure my replies don't hurt, but what i don't do is make sure they make the other party feel good. part of the more evil part of me even sees me at times deliberately giving i-don't-give-a-shit replies so as to deter the other party from talking to me, be it myself not liking the person or feel like talking then. but every other party is still a human and humans should be treated with respect (and maybe if you do good to them, they or some other person, will return the favour in that or some other way, back to you!) so that is something i shall begin to look out for since i'm supposed to be good boy till the 7th and hopefully after!
one more thing, i like Marcus cause he usually tells me about irrelavant and intangible observations and conclusions of things he sees and feels towards, backing them up with horrid, absurd reasonings. those reasonings, somehow, make a little sense and thus get me thinking too. we then discuss.
no school tmr, pw at josh's place. cb.
28/10/08, 9:13pm.
now it's not what it means to Weiwen and what it means to me here which matters, however, it's the kind of response. many people around us also reply with i-do-give-a-shit replies, and they, undoubtedly, play a role in making ourselves feel slightly more welcomed by our friends, or feel smart by being able to talk about releavant stuff. it beats talking shit to someone who doesn't even give a shit so as to make you feel like shit.
this thing about people's responses has been in me for quite a while now, but i've never really shared it with anyone until Marcus brought it up today - only for me to realise that i myself don't watch my responses. I usually make sure my replies don't hurt, but what i don't do is make sure they make the other party feel good. part of the more evil part of me even sees me at times deliberately giving i-don't-give-a-shit replies so as to deter the other party from talking to me, be it myself not liking the person or feel like talking then. but every other party is still a human and humans should be treated with respect (and maybe if you do good to them, they or some other person, will return the favour in that or some other way, back to you!) so that is something i shall begin to look out for since i'm supposed to be good boy till the 7th and hopefully after!
one more thing, i like Marcus cause he usually tells me about irrelavant and intangible observations and conclusions of things he sees and feels towards, backing them up with horrid, absurd reasonings. those reasonings, somehow, make a little sense and thus get me thinking too. we then discuss.
no school tmr, pw at josh's place. cb.
28/10/08, 9:13pm.
Monday, October 27, 2008
sentosa / deepavali outing!
today was one CRAZYmonkeygames.com day, like one crazy day in a long long while!
went Sentosa in the morning at like 10 plus 11 as part of our public holiday outing which turned into a Deepavali outing. met Fred at srg mrt before heading down to harbourfront where Lester, Hx, Phelan & Jj were alr at, and waited for Mac & George to arrive before going over. Marcus teo arrived by car sometime later while Qing, Tian & Kat joined us in the afternoon. How about Little Matthew? Oh he was there fishing even before bus service started. he went in by cab early, and caught a squid haha. well the rest is the interesting list of stuff we did for today: (oh did i tell you, Fred & i met Syam and found out that t24 was also having their outing today at sentosa!)
1. Frisbee
2. Swim, after which Marcus teo & i embarked on a quest to build a realistic, life-size woman (without any dirty thoughts, but it came into me eventually). no need to say much, other than the fact that she looks a little like Tim's mom hohoho, here's some pictures.

also also, like over 100 banglas (i knew cause they came as i was building - 20 over groups came by in groups of 3 to 10 each time so all in all would be over a 100) came by saying 'very good, very good' or just smeering at the artwork before requesting a photo which we gladly obliged. they didn't want our faces in it anyway so we were safe. like totally no malay or chinese or angmoh stopped by to say good or what, they just walked past and smiled / chuckled. some were tourists, some were parents hahah.
3. More swimming, and more frisbee
4. Even more swimming, this time with banglas. this is cool cause we took pictures with them! Jj has to be very sad cause the bangla which i had my arm placed around his neck raised his hand at the rightest moment to block Jj's face! haha, and Ww said that the bangla to the extreme left looks like Ramachandran on his friendster friends list. it's quite true, go check it out. again, more photos for this glorious moment of great holy joy ! we were all very happy as you can see from the photo, other than the fucker ah bengs behind who spoilt our only moment of racial harmony on a surprisingly harmonious day. oh ya they all wore underwear to swim, the ah nehs.

5. Then it began raining so we got changed / washed up (in the toilet where apunehs didn't wash hand after peeing - racial harmony all gone :D ) and headed back to da lu mainland!
so we ate Carls Jr. at vivo, and i got back to do i&r, play some online games, now blogging, and going off to do op preparation for tmr's presentation. cb my back damn pain nb sunburn hong kan hong kan nevermind la today very fun so sunburn is ok knn pain like sai. i was very happy to have spent this day with my classmates of 1 year, hope there will be another year ahead for us, thanks guys :)
27/10/08, 11:31pm.
went Sentosa in the morning at like 10 plus 11 as part of our public holiday outing which turned into a Deepavali outing. met Fred at srg mrt before heading down to harbourfront where Lester, Hx, Phelan & Jj were alr at, and waited for Mac & George to arrive before going over. Marcus teo arrived by car sometime later while Qing, Tian & Kat joined us in the afternoon. How about Little Matthew? Oh he was there fishing even before bus service started. he went in by cab early, and caught a squid haha. well the rest is the interesting list of stuff we did for today: (oh did i tell you, Fred & i met Syam and found out that t24 was also having their outing today at sentosa!)
1. Frisbee
2. Swim, after which Marcus teo & i embarked on a quest to build a realistic, life-size woman (without any dirty thoughts, but it came into me eventually). no need to say much, other than the fact that she looks a little like Tim's mom hohoho, here's some pictures.

3. More swimming, and more frisbee
4. Even more swimming, this time with banglas. this is cool cause we took pictures with them! Jj has to be very sad cause the bangla which i had my arm placed around his neck raised his hand at the rightest moment to block Jj's face! haha, and Ww said that the bangla to the extreme left looks like Ramachandran on his friendster friends list. it's quite true, go check it out. again, more photos for this glorious moment of great holy joy ! we were all very happy as you can see from the photo, other than the fucker ah bengs behind who spoilt our only moment of racial harmony on a surprisingly harmonious day. oh ya they all wore underwear to swim, the ah nehs.

so we ate Carls Jr. at vivo, and i got back to do i&r, play some online games, now blogging, and going off to do op preparation for tmr's presentation. cb my back damn pain nb sunburn hong kan hong kan nevermind la today very fun so sunburn is ok knn pain like sai. i was very happy to have spent this day with my classmates of 1 year, hope there will be another year ahead for us, thanks guys :)
27/10/08, 11:31pm.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lester is a strong man
i realised that Lester is a strong man. while many of us either complain of colds or wear jackets when we're cold, Lester doesn't. i lost my Naruto-looking orange jacket in sec 4 after the OM cleared everything under our desks after 'o' levels (i just left it under the desk) and didn't have any till maybe sept/oct this year and i'm a warm boy now. before that i just complained i was cold like you. but Lester, for one, doesn't complain about the cold even though it may really be cold and two, doesn't bring a jacket to school, if he has one in the first place. so he's quite a strong man to me haha. of course, there are many other strong men in this area and in many other areas as well (like the area jer, jj, phelan and hx are proud of being strong men in).
tmr's Sentosa with 1t23 and other doods like Phelan and Little Matthew. it's time for FRISBEE FRENZY! luckily managed to postpone pw meeting and go for it haha yay.
26/10/08, 11:22pm.
tmr's Sentosa with 1t23 and other doods like Phelan and Little Matthew. it's time for FRISBEE FRENZY! luckily managed to postpone pw meeting and go for it haha yay.
26/10/08, 11:22pm.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
external harddrive day
YAY i bought an external harddrive with fat marist. it's 320gb for an awesome steal of 159$! and also a usb splitter since both my com's usb ports are alr taken up by a mouse and an external keyboard (lappy's keyboard is spoilt lol) but fucking hell the splitter doesn't work damn it. it was the cheapest model in the indian store for 4.50$ and when i asked to try it, the indian said: 'today cannot try cause Sunday, you come other day i let you try.'
and it's only not long ago that i realise today is saturday. cb la indian knn cheat my 4.50$. Mac said a7x concert lasted only 45mins and cost 88$ haha he also kena scam but by ang moh so not so bad.
and i learnt that Mervin really treasures friendship. he doesn't go around 'IMY-ing' all his friends like what most of our friends would do over friendster or msn, but rather in different, more practical ways. he hasn't been online for 6 months till yesterday due to his hectic NAFA schedule (don't know if NAFA's kept him busy, or something else did, or he was just lazy to use the com) and updated himself of all the recent happenings of his friends since 6 mths back yesterday. Phelan & i met him for dinner today and it was he which really insisted that we had dinner together. now i knew that cause he was at the esplanade with NAFA dudes studying, yet pangseh his friends, left all his barang barang there, took a bus to sim lim sq to meet us, eat with us, bring us on a short tour of NAFA, and then rush back to esplanade cause it was closing. how nice hahah if i were him my reply would just be 'oh you're at sim lim, another day then.' afterall he was the one who insisted that we really should go down to the adelphi as he wanted to check headphones out and that we should call as many old friends to come along (but it never happened though as i went to buy harddrive instead since so many classmate dudes couldn't make it) ok so that's what i learnt today, of Mervin and his missing of his friends in a different way.
it's PW at my place tmr. PWPWPWPWPW!
25/10/2008, 11:50pm.
and it's only not long ago that i realise today is saturday. cb la indian knn cheat my 4.50$. Mac said a7x concert lasted only 45mins and cost 88$ haha he also kena scam but by ang moh so not so bad.
and i learnt that Mervin really treasures friendship. he doesn't go around 'IMY-ing' all his friends like what most of our friends would do over friendster or msn, but rather in different, more practical ways. he hasn't been online for 6 months till yesterday due to his hectic NAFA schedule (don't know if NAFA's kept him busy, or something else did, or he was just lazy to use the com) and updated himself of all the recent happenings of his friends since 6 mths back yesterday. Phelan & i met him for dinner today and it was he which really insisted that we had dinner together. now i knew that cause he was at the esplanade with NAFA dudes studying, yet pangseh his friends, left all his barang barang there, took a bus to sim lim sq to meet us, eat with us, bring us on a short tour of NAFA, and then rush back to esplanade cause it was closing. how nice hahah if i were him my reply would just be 'oh you're at sim lim, another day then.' afterall he was the one who insisted that we really should go down to the adelphi as he wanted to check headphones out and that we should call as many old friends to come along (but it never happened though as i went to buy harddrive instead since so many classmate dudes couldn't make it) ok so that's what i learnt today, of Mervin and his missing of his friends in a different way.
it's PW at my place tmr. PWPWPWPWPW!
25/10/2008, 11:50pm.
Friday, October 24, 2008
here's why
Good Morning! when i made sacrifices for something in the past, i used to think it was mostly religious. like, i don't do this and God says i'm a good boy and gives me what i want, but somehow i haven't been very religious this year. so yesterday, here's what i figured out: i sacrifice and abstain so i can be a 'better' person and better people do indeed beget better treatment. so hopefully in my attempt to become a good boy i can promote! haha.
going to buy external harddrive today!
25/10/08, 1:18pm.
going to buy external harddrive today!
25/10/08, 1:18pm.
im fucking going to make many sacrifices and indulge in abstinence of alot of shit from now til the 7th of november. and pray alot too, with the hope tht the prayers somehow work a miracle. jek suan told me to pray ahahah.
25/10/08, 12:46am.
25/10/08, 12:46am.
if i fail promos, i quit school and become Bon Jovi
bon jovi is really fucking good.
haha i don't know how to insert the entire video so here are only the links. from bon jovi's best concert ever - Wembley, London 1995 :) check out the charisma, the energy, the emotions, the technique and most of all the fucking crowd! it''s crazy!
i could quit school and become bon jovi, since i've failed promos alr.
oh yes, happy birthday Hxsmef! stupid pond dunking nearly saw me go in before you, luckily it didn't happen. and you didn't have to sit on my foot before you went in right, you got my right feet wet. enjoy your ghost hunting which is prolly scaring the shit out of your pants right now!
24/10/08, 10:53pm.
haha i don't know how to insert the entire video so here are only the links. from bon jovi's best concert ever - Wembley, London 1995 :) check out the charisma, the energy, the emotions, the technique and most of all the fucking crowd! it''s crazy!
i could quit school and become bon jovi, since i've failed promos alr.
oh yes, happy birthday Hxsmef! stupid pond dunking nearly saw me go in before you, luckily it didn't happen. and you didn't have to sit on my foot before you went in right, you got my right feet wet. enjoy your ghost hunting which is prolly scaring the shit out of your pants right now!
24/10/08, 10:53pm.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
where is my occupation?
i really don't know what to do now. i've got loads of activities to clear like mother tongue, pw and guitar exam but i can't do shit when i don't even know if i'd be promoting. of course i won't be selfish and do a poor job for pw just cause i didn't clear promos, but at least let me know if i would promote or not so i wouldn't have to live each day in anxiety. i can't study for mt cause i'm afraid i don't have to go back to cjc next year. i can't give my fullest for pw cause i'm afraid i wasted all i have put time and effort into this year. i can't practice guitar and thus suck at it cause i'm afraid i will lose everything i have achieved in jc thus far. i can't do anything with a proper ease of mind as nothing now is more important than studies. fact seldom thought of but it's true, a student's main priority is studying, and there's no point putting time and into what we want to do in the future if we can't even clear what we're doing now.
but how the hell did i manage to fail promos... tmr hx birthday, my facebook wife!
23/10/08, 9:49pm.
but how the hell did i manage to fail promos... tmr hx birthday, my facebook wife!
23/10/08, 9:49pm.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
shit happens
i haven't broken down in a very long while, but just did like twice in the past two weeks. i guess it doesn't show that i'm strong in any way for not doing so in many years, but more likely, it shows how happy i used to be.
i used to think i was happy and safe, anything could happen to anyone, but shit can't happen to me. unfortunately, shit happens. till anything else is confirmed, i can't think optimistically. so something happen quick!
shit happens, don't let it happen to again.
just thought since i had a nice picture to share, i might as well. so here it goes again: SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS! it's my shit btw.
22/10/08, 9:40pm.
i used to think i was happy and safe, anything could happen to anyone, but shit can't happen to me. unfortunately, shit happens. till anything else is confirmed, i can't think optimistically. so something happen quick!
shit happens, don't let it happen to again.

22/10/08, 9:40pm.
can't promote, how.
DDSSU - no H2 pass. cannot promote. hoping for the best.
all wasn't fine yesterday, seeing everyone happily promoting despite not even meeting their own expectations (it was alr the least they could ask for, or the most i would be asking for). passed gp & lit, subpassed physics & math, failed econs. i don't know how anyone could fail econs, just talk shit can pass alr, but i did. i got 3/25 for one essay which really killed me, and did only average in the other two sections, bad, how.
luckily of all luckilies, theres a saving shit called sub-papers and even though there are rumours that there may not be any this year, i'd hope for the better and wish there was. then i could study for the weakest subject which is the only paper i'll have to take, then pass it. and i don't really have to study as much as if it were physics or math as they're weaker than my econs. so that's that for now, let's hope there will be sub-papers this year. :)
went with some dudes to toa payoh to lepak after school cause didn't want to go for the prayer thing. so some shit happened to one of the dudes but luckily all is fine now so dude, don't do stupid things alr okay!
then went back to school to meet Hx Josh Tian & Xav the dudes who went for the prayer thing and went to Mac's house to party. not party for me la. it turned out both good and bad hahah, bad night, good dudes. so many thanks to Hx dude, Tian yu dude, Joshua dude, Xavier dude and Jiajian dude for everything last night. and of course Michelle dude and Natasha dude for whateve you've done, as well as the also-gone George dude. ok thanks for everything everyone alright? bad night, so bad that Xavier had to send me home, i couldn't walk straight this morning, and even puked my breakfast out in school early morning. haha bad, bad experience.
ok la thanks all the nice dudes which saw me and helped me while i was in a very pathetic state, and sorry Mac for what my pathetic state did to your place! i really hope i can promote! DDSSU can right, teachers? time for pw.
22/10/08, 7:45pm.
all wasn't fine yesterday, seeing everyone happily promoting despite not even meeting their own expectations (it was alr the least they could ask for, or the most i would be asking for). passed gp & lit, subpassed physics & math, failed econs. i don't know how anyone could fail econs, just talk shit can pass alr, but i did. i got 3/25 for one essay which really killed me, and did only average in the other two sections, bad, how.
luckily of all luckilies, theres a saving shit called sub-papers and even though there are rumours that there may not be any this year, i'd hope for the better and wish there was. then i could study for the weakest subject which is the only paper i'll have to take, then pass it. and i don't really have to study as much as if it were physics or math as they're weaker than my econs. so that's that for now, let's hope there will be sub-papers this year. :)
went with some dudes to toa payoh to lepak after school cause didn't want to go for the prayer thing. so some shit happened to one of the dudes but luckily all is fine now so dude, don't do stupid things alr okay!
then went back to school to meet Hx Josh Tian & Xav the dudes who went for the prayer thing and went to Mac's house to party. not party for me la. it turned out both good and bad hahah, bad night, good dudes. so many thanks to Hx dude, Tian yu dude, Joshua dude, Xavier dude and Jiajian dude for everything last night. and of course Michelle dude and Natasha dude for whateve you've done, as well as the also-gone George dude. ok thanks for everything everyone alright? bad night, so bad that Xavier had to send me home, i couldn't walk straight this morning, and even puked my breakfast out in school early morning. haha bad, bad experience.
ok la thanks all the nice dudes which saw me and helped me while i was in a very pathetic state, and sorry Mac for what my pathetic state did to your place! i really hope i can promote! DDSSU can right, teachers? time for pw.
22/10/08, 7:45pm.
Monday, October 20, 2008
if i were to retain,
we're collecting results tmr, i'm fucking scared but psychoed myself that i'm prepared for it alr - by planning the alternative route. well if i don't make it tmr, first thing i'll do is find Ravi and get help. then all the appealing and sai la (since i've got no privilege to retain) but if all else fails, it's mass comm in either TP/NP next april! haha i really don't mind that choice but it would mean more money and self-discipline involved.
then there are the things i planned to do after promos but haven't yet done, photography and fishing! frisbee is on the list too but i've been playing every single day after school without fail so it's more than accomplished. and if i promote, it's time for hockey!
eh Andrew my magician blog owns yours can haha you want to see street magic it's here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTqsV3q7rRU, and don't forget to check out the other parts too. oh yes learn that magician face cause it's FUCKING HILARIOUS. hohoho.
20/10/08, 9:37pm.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
old people, 'old' look
happy birthday Iggy, we 9 dudes ate 300 bucks worth of Billy Bombers which was inclusive of an insane 45 bucks service charge. quite crazy but it's once in a lifetime and it's about 4 hours later yet i'm still very full.
anyway, i was just thinking - do old people choose their 'old' look when they're old? surely you're aware of the current 'old' look with the old people today but did it come about with them dressing however they thought of as cool in their adolescence or did they switch to this 'old' look only when they really turned old. i hope it's not the former or else old mats will still be wearing air-caps in their seventies and old bengs wearing skinnies in their eighties. quite sick to think of it. i really don't know how do i want to look when i grow old, or maybe i'd follow the 'old' fashion of my time when i do turn old. hehe.
19/10/08, 11:46pm.
anyway, i was just thinking - do old people choose their 'old' look when they're old? surely you're aware of the current 'old' look with the old people today but did it come about with them dressing however they thought of as cool in their adolescence or did they switch to this 'old' look only when they really turned old. i hope it's not the former or else old mats will still be wearing air-caps in their seventies and old bengs wearing skinnies in their eighties. quite sick to think of it. i really don't know how do i want to look when i grow old, or maybe i'd follow the 'old' fashion of my time when i do turn old. hehe.
19/10/08, 11:46pm.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
only boys with blogs think
"only boys with blogs think..."
Paolo showed me brandon boyd's website today and it made me want to be like him - and i'm starting with a blog hohoho. it's not for people to read okay, like i said it's just for me to become like him.
but what's with the name? well slapdash means random, hasty and haphazard while syndrome simply refers to a disease or a condition; and a combination of the two is what we're suffering from today. layout's cool cause it's dotted and looks indie (indie people seem to like motifs and so do i) though i like to be mainstream too, and everything looks white and pure cause i'm an innocent young boy. ok all the best for this lameass shithead kanasai blog which prolly ain't gonna last long, goodnight.
i realise the date and time's alll screwed up. it's the 19th today, and it's 1:19am now.
Paolo showed me brandon boyd's website today and it made me want to be like him - and i'm starting with a blog hohoho. it's not for people to read okay, like i said it's just for me to become like him.
but what's with the name? well slapdash means random, hasty and haphazard while syndrome simply refers to a disease or a condition; and a combination of the two is what we're suffering from today. layout's cool cause it's dotted and looks indie (indie people seem to like motifs and so do i) though i like to be mainstream too, and everything looks white and pure cause i'm an innocent young boy. ok all the best for this lameass shithead kanasai blog which prolly ain't gonna last long, goodnight.
i realise the date and time's alll screwed up. it's the 19th today, and it's 1:19am now.
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