Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sakura Day

wow you know i didn't want to blog about today cause it was just too awesome til i didn't want to share about it. but i read fleddie's blog and saw his recount of it that i'm going to share some of it here. promise it won't be long.

here it goes. for the main part of it,
for my part of it, everyone's gotta try wasabi snorting. do it like you do your normal cocaine or powdered drugs by snorting a whole load of it up your nose with a straw then you start coughing and trying to get it out. you tear, and whatever comes after varies - eye swells, headaches, blocked nose, but definitely it won't get you high. you get happy though :)

maybe there will be a dimsum buffet next week! but it's only 30 plates per person, still call buffet. it would be awesome anyway, though not very awesome thinking about how 1 buffet can blow my entire week's allowance when i still have to eat normal food on other days.

only if a buffet can keep your hunger away for 3 days. unfortunately, we ened at 2.30 today and i was hungry by 7.30. growing boy sia.

27/11/08, 10:07pm.

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