hihihi i just got my first set of photos today, 3 rolls. out of 90+ frames, i think i really like less than three ( <3 haha) shot which shows how much i suck at what i do. but it's all relative cause what's nice to me may not be nice to you and what's nice to you may not be nice to me and that's cause it's art. however since i'm the boss you shall only see what's nice to me and not make noise.

lonely bear in enclosure

gay brother looking handsome with pimples on his forehead
ok on second thoughts i decided to post only two cause i'm lazy and some photos suck while others aren't that good. but i just really love the bear one yo. all these were taken in Kuching, Malaysia.

and something not taken in Malaysia, but in a public handicapped toilet here in Singapore of the boy whose going under the knife tmr. good luck to Marcus Tan (Wei Wen) and here's wishing you well for your nose op tmr in the hope of having a nicer nose like MJ. no but don't worry you'd be fine and forget all the shit about what i said of you being the unlucky one in 200,000 people to die cause it won't happen. however, in case you really do, this is also a tribute to you.
all the best Marcus!
09/12/08, 11:25pm.
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