today's halloween was bad cause we were tricked into going 6th avenue by someone and she not only tricked us but many others as well haha. so that so like saw 20/30+ people walking from namly garden at 6th avenue all the way to the further end of hwa chong. for like, an hour plus. before that was just dinner at far east and some walking of 6th avenue on our own. ok la quite boring, super thirsty and intended to stay out but didn't cause everyone went home. however brought like 60 out and returned home with 56! that was because i didn't have to buy any costume haha mine was super slack. Marcus teo brought a lot of things for us to wear so many of us just used his things like i just wore a wig the entire night. damn lame but whatever i didn't spend cash. ok it's gna / will be more than just this next year. :)
happy halloween.
01/11/08, 12:42am.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
and there's good news for all
here goes, I PROMOTED! ahaha, actually its just i promoted (no caps) cause ravi told me that without any evidence and i'm afraid he counted wrong and thus thought i promoted. however, i'm not doubting him and still feel very relieved hahahahahahahaha it's a very good day today and when a day is good, people don't celebrate on the day itself as they want to goodness of the good day to carry on. thus, they celebrate on the day after.
that brings me onto the next point, 1t23's having our halloween party tomorrow! can't tell you the details in case someone not supposed to read comes and read or something, and comes to tell someone not supposed to know! then i can't go for such happy occasions anymore in the future! so for now it's just class chalet, let you know more when it's over!
let the happiness spread! since i promised myself to be a good boy til the 7th, i shall carry on doing so (in case the news is fake) and also my theory of me being good for my friends - that they can get good upon them by feeding on my sacrifices. so so, no being a bad boy, help me if i don't keep to it! also hope i can get my camera by this weekend! :) cheers to life and promotion! (cheers without beer cause good boys don't drink beer)
30/10/08, 10:05pm.
that brings me onto the next point, 1t23's having our halloween party tomorrow! can't tell you the details in case someone not supposed to read comes and read or something, and comes to tell someone not supposed to know! then i can't go for such happy occasions anymore in the future! so for now it's just class chalet, let you know more when it's over!
let the happiness spread! since i promised myself to be a good boy til the 7th, i shall carry on doing so (in case the news is fake) and also my theory of me being good for my friends - that they can get good upon them by feeding on my sacrifices. so so, no being a bad boy, help me if i don't keep to it! also hope i can get my camera by this weekend! :) cheers to life and promotion! (cheers without beer cause good boys don't drink beer)
30/10/08, 10:05pm.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gabriel asked why he was not under the list of strong men who don't need jacket. ok la you are a strong man who don't need jacket la ego cheebye kaninabu nehnehpok look for special mention in people blog you super indie-kia action to the max like a fat-marist becoming into a Tedmond.
oh ya, the Fat Marist is my 70c swimming buddy who calls me 'noob swimmer' cause i'm really damn noob, and we're going again tmr evening after my pw! weekday, hopefully not so crowded! :)
28/10/08, 10:08pm.
oh ya, the Fat Marist is my 70c swimming buddy who calls me 'noob swimmer' cause i'm really damn noob, and we're going again tmr evening after my pw! weekday, hopefully not so crowded! :)
28/10/08, 10:08pm.
act like you do give a shit
was just talking to Ww about someone, and he shared with me that he really liked the way this guy converses. it's not hilariously funny or deeply insightful, but it's just the way he responses, as though he gives a shit. to Marcus, it's his 'i do care about this shit you're telling me' replies which matter, but for me, i see more than that. when i speak to him, i know he's frank and doesn't lie (not all the time, but in conversations) and these traits, most of all, don't usually come from people (stereopytically) of his ilk.
now it's not what it means to Weiwen and what it means to me here which matters, however, it's the kind of response. many people around us also reply with i-do-give-a-shit replies, and they, undoubtedly, play a role in making ourselves feel slightly more welcomed by our friends, or feel smart by being able to talk about releavant stuff. it beats talking shit to someone who doesn't even give a shit so as to make you feel like shit.
this thing about people's responses has been in me for quite a while now, but i've never really shared it with anyone until Marcus brought it up today - only for me to realise that i myself don't watch my responses. I usually make sure my replies don't hurt, but what i don't do is make sure they make the other party feel good. part of the more evil part of me even sees me at times deliberately giving i-don't-give-a-shit replies so as to deter the other party from talking to me, be it myself not liking the person or feel like talking then. but every other party is still a human and humans should be treated with respect (and maybe if you do good to them, they or some other person, will return the favour in that or some other way, back to you!) so that is something i shall begin to look out for since i'm supposed to be good boy till the 7th and hopefully after!
one more thing, i like Marcus cause he usually tells me about irrelavant and intangible observations and conclusions of things he sees and feels towards, backing them up with horrid, absurd reasonings. those reasonings, somehow, make a little sense and thus get me thinking too. we then discuss.
no school tmr, pw at josh's place. cb.
28/10/08, 9:13pm.
now it's not what it means to Weiwen and what it means to me here which matters, however, it's the kind of response. many people around us also reply with i-do-give-a-shit replies, and they, undoubtedly, play a role in making ourselves feel slightly more welcomed by our friends, or feel smart by being able to talk about releavant stuff. it beats talking shit to someone who doesn't even give a shit so as to make you feel like shit.
this thing about people's responses has been in me for quite a while now, but i've never really shared it with anyone until Marcus brought it up today - only for me to realise that i myself don't watch my responses. I usually make sure my replies don't hurt, but what i don't do is make sure they make the other party feel good. part of the more evil part of me even sees me at times deliberately giving i-don't-give-a-shit replies so as to deter the other party from talking to me, be it myself not liking the person or feel like talking then. but every other party is still a human and humans should be treated with respect (and maybe if you do good to them, they or some other person, will return the favour in that or some other way, back to you!) so that is something i shall begin to look out for since i'm supposed to be good boy till the 7th and hopefully after!
one more thing, i like Marcus cause he usually tells me about irrelavant and intangible observations and conclusions of things he sees and feels towards, backing them up with horrid, absurd reasonings. those reasonings, somehow, make a little sense and thus get me thinking too. we then discuss.
no school tmr, pw at josh's place. cb.
28/10/08, 9:13pm.
Monday, October 27, 2008
sentosa / deepavali outing!
today was one day, like one crazy day in a long long while!
went Sentosa in the morning at like 10 plus 11 as part of our public holiday outing which turned into a Deepavali outing. met Fred at srg mrt before heading down to harbourfront where Lester, Hx, Phelan & Jj were alr at, and waited for Mac & George to arrive before going over. Marcus teo arrived by car sometime later while Qing, Tian & Kat joined us in the afternoon. How about Little Matthew? Oh he was there fishing even before bus service started. he went in by cab early, and caught a squid haha. well the rest is the interesting list of stuff we did for today: (oh did i tell you, Fred & i met Syam and found out that t24 was also having their outing today at sentosa!)
1. Frisbee
2. Swim, after which Marcus teo & i embarked on a quest to build a realistic, life-size woman (without any dirty thoughts, but it came into me eventually). no need to say much, other than the fact that she looks a little like Tim's mom hohoho, here's some pictures.

also also, like over 100 banglas (i knew cause they came as i was building - 20 over groups came by in groups of 3 to 10 each time so all in all would be over a 100) came by saying 'very good, very good' or just smeering at the artwork before requesting a photo which we gladly obliged. they didn't want our faces in it anyway so we were safe. like totally no malay or chinese or angmoh stopped by to say good or what, they just walked past and smiled / chuckled. some were tourists, some were parents hahah.
3. More swimming, and more frisbee
4. Even more swimming, this time with banglas. this is cool cause we took pictures with them! Jj has to be very sad cause the bangla which i had my arm placed around his neck raised his hand at the rightest moment to block Jj's face! haha, and Ww said that the bangla to the extreme left looks like Ramachandran on his friendster friends list. it's quite true, go check it out. again, more photos for this glorious moment of great holy joy ! we were all very happy as you can see from the photo, other than the fucker ah bengs behind who spoilt our only moment of racial harmony on a surprisingly harmonious day. oh ya they all wore underwear to swim, the ah nehs.

5. Then it began raining so we got changed / washed up (in the toilet where apunehs didn't wash hand after peeing - racial harmony all gone :D ) and headed back to da lu mainland!
so we ate Carls Jr. at vivo, and i got back to do i&r, play some online games, now blogging, and going off to do op preparation for tmr's presentation. cb my back damn pain nb sunburn hong kan hong kan nevermind la today very fun so sunburn is ok knn pain like sai. i was very happy to have spent this day with my classmates of 1 year, hope there will be another year ahead for us, thanks guys :)
27/10/08, 11:31pm.
went Sentosa in the morning at like 10 plus 11 as part of our public holiday outing which turned into a Deepavali outing. met Fred at srg mrt before heading down to harbourfront where Lester, Hx, Phelan & Jj were alr at, and waited for Mac & George to arrive before going over. Marcus teo arrived by car sometime later while Qing, Tian & Kat joined us in the afternoon. How about Little Matthew? Oh he was there fishing even before bus service started. he went in by cab early, and caught a squid haha. well the rest is the interesting list of stuff we did for today: (oh did i tell you, Fred & i met Syam and found out that t24 was also having their outing today at sentosa!)
1. Frisbee
2. Swim, after which Marcus teo & i embarked on a quest to build a realistic, life-size woman (without any dirty thoughts, but it came into me eventually). no need to say much, other than the fact that she looks a little like Tim's mom hohoho, here's some pictures.

3. More swimming, and more frisbee
4. Even more swimming, this time with banglas. this is cool cause we took pictures with them! Jj has to be very sad cause the bangla which i had my arm placed around his neck raised his hand at the rightest moment to block Jj's face! haha, and Ww said that the bangla to the extreme left looks like Ramachandran on his friendster friends list. it's quite true, go check it out. again, more photos for this glorious moment of great holy joy ! we were all very happy as you can see from the photo, other than the fucker ah bengs behind who spoilt our only moment of racial harmony on a surprisingly harmonious day. oh ya they all wore underwear to swim, the ah nehs.

so we ate Carls Jr. at vivo, and i got back to do i&r, play some online games, now blogging, and going off to do op preparation for tmr's presentation. cb my back damn pain nb sunburn hong kan hong kan nevermind la today very fun so sunburn is ok knn pain like sai. i was very happy to have spent this day with my classmates of 1 year, hope there will be another year ahead for us, thanks guys :)
27/10/08, 11:31pm.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lester is a strong man
i realised that Lester is a strong man. while many of us either complain of colds or wear jackets when we're cold, Lester doesn't. i lost my Naruto-looking orange jacket in sec 4 after the OM cleared everything under our desks after 'o' levels (i just left it under the desk) and didn't have any till maybe sept/oct this year and i'm a warm boy now. before that i just complained i was cold like you. but Lester, for one, doesn't complain about the cold even though it may really be cold and two, doesn't bring a jacket to school, if he has one in the first place. so he's quite a strong man to me haha. of course, there are many other strong men in this area and in many other areas as well (like the area jer, jj, phelan and hx are proud of being strong men in).
tmr's Sentosa with 1t23 and other doods like Phelan and Little Matthew. it's time for FRISBEE FRENZY! luckily managed to postpone pw meeting and go for it haha yay.
26/10/08, 11:22pm.
tmr's Sentosa with 1t23 and other doods like Phelan and Little Matthew. it's time for FRISBEE FRENZY! luckily managed to postpone pw meeting and go for it haha yay.
26/10/08, 11:22pm.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
external harddrive day
YAY i bought an external harddrive with fat marist. it's 320gb for an awesome steal of 159$! and also a usb splitter since both my com's usb ports are alr taken up by a mouse and an external keyboard (lappy's keyboard is spoilt lol) but fucking hell the splitter doesn't work damn it. it was the cheapest model in the indian store for 4.50$ and when i asked to try it, the indian said: 'today cannot try cause Sunday, you come other day i let you try.'
and it's only not long ago that i realise today is saturday. cb la indian knn cheat my 4.50$. Mac said a7x concert lasted only 45mins and cost 88$ haha he also kena scam but by ang moh so not so bad.
and i learnt that Mervin really treasures friendship. he doesn't go around 'IMY-ing' all his friends like what most of our friends would do over friendster or msn, but rather in different, more practical ways. he hasn't been online for 6 months till yesterday due to his hectic NAFA schedule (don't know if NAFA's kept him busy, or something else did, or he was just lazy to use the com) and updated himself of all the recent happenings of his friends since 6 mths back yesterday. Phelan & i met him for dinner today and it was he which really insisted that we had dinner together. now i knew that cause he was at the esplanade with NAFA dudes studying, yet pangseh his friends, left all his barang barang there, took a bus to sim lim sq to meet us, eat with us, bring us on a short tour of NAFA, and then rush back to esplanade cause it was closing. how nice hahah if i were him my reply would just be 'oh you're at sim lim, another day then.' afterall he was the one who insisted that we really should go down to the adelphi as he wanted to check headphones out and that we should call as many old friends to come along (but it never happened though as i went to buy harddrive instead since so many classmate dudes couldn't make it) ok so that's what i learnt today, of Mervin and his missing of his friends in a different way.
it's PW at my place tmr. PWPWPWPWPW!
25/10/2008, 11:50pm.
and it's only not long ago that i realise today is saturday. cb la indian knn cheat my 4.50$. Mac said a7x concert lasted only 45mins and cost 88$ haha he also kena scam but by ang moh so not so bad.
and i learnt that Mervin really treasures friendship. he doesn't go around 'IMY-ing' all his friends like what most of our friends would do over friendster or msn, but rather in different, more practical ways. he hasn't been online for 6 months till yesterday due to his hectic NAFA schedule (don't know if NAFA's kept him busy, or something else did, or he was just lazy to use the com) and updated himself of all the recent happenings of his friends since 6 mths back yesterday. Phelan & i met him for dinner today and it was he which really insisted that we had dinner together. now i knew that cause he was at the esplanade with NAFA dudes studying, yet pangseh his friends, left all his barang barang there, took a bus to sim lim sq to meet us, eat with us, bring us on a short tour of NAFA, and then rush back to esplanade cause it was closing. how nice hahah if i were him my reply would just be 'oh you're at sim lim, another day then.' afterall he was the one who insisted that we really should go down to the adelphi as he wanted to check headphones out and that we should call as many old friends to come along (but it never happened though as i went to buy harddrive instead since so many classmate dudes couldn't make it) ok so that's what i learnt today, of Mervin and his missing of his friends in a different way.
it's PW at my place tmr. PWPWPWPWPW!
25/10/2008, 11:50pm.
Friday, October 24, 2008
here's why
Good Morning! when i made sacrifices for something in the past, i used to think it was mostly religious. like, i don't do this and God says i'm a good boy and gives me what i want, but somehow i haven't been very religious this year. so yesterday, here's what i figured out: i sacrifice and abstain so i can be a 'better' person and better people do indeed beget better treatment. so hopefully in my attempt to become a good boy i can promote! haha.
going to buy external harddrive today!
25/10/08, 1:18pm.
going to buy external harddrive today!
25/10/08, 1:18pm.
im fucking going to make many sacrifices and indulge in abstinence of alot of shit from now til the 7th of november. and pray alot too, with the hope tht the prayers somehow work a miracle. jek suan told me to pray ahahah.
25/10/08, 12:46am.
25/10/08, 12:46am.
if i fail promos, i quit school and become Bon Jovi
bon jovi is really fucking good.
haha i don't know how to insert the entire video so here are only the links. from bon jovi's best concert ever - Wembley, London 1995 :) check out the charisma, the energy, the emotions, the technique and most of all the fucking crowd! it''s crazy!
i could quit school and become bon jovi, since i've failed promos alr.
oh yes, happy birthday Hxsmef! stupid pond dunking nearly saw me go in before you, luckily it didn't happen. and you didn't have to sit on my foot before you went in right, you got my right feet wet. enjoy your ghost hunting which is prolly scaring the shit out of your pants right now!
24/10/08, 10:53pm.
haha i don't know how to insert the entire video so here are only the links. from bon jovi's best concert ever - Wembley, London 1995 :) check out the charisma, the energy, the emotions, the technique and most of all the fucking crowd! it''s crazy!
i could quit school and become bon jovi, since i've failed promos alr.
oh yes, happy birthday Hxsmef! stupid pond dunking nearly saw me go in before you, luckily it didn't happen. and you didn't have to sit on my foot before you went in right, you got my right feet wet. enjoy your ghost hunting which is prolly scaring the shit out of your pants right now!
24/10/08, 10:53pm.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
where is my occupation?
i really don't know what to do now. i've got loads of activities to clear like mother tongue, pw and guitar exam but i can't do shit when i don't even know if i'd be promoting. of course i won't be selfish and do a poor job for pw just cause i didn't clear promos, but at least let me know if i would promote or not so i wouldn't have to live each day in anxiety. i can't study for mt cause i'm afraid i don't have to go back to cjc next year. i can't give my fullest for pw cause i'm afraid i wasted all i have put time and effort into this year. i can't practice guitar and thus suck at it cause i'm afraid i will lose everything i have achieved in jc thus far. i can't do anything with a proper ease of mind as nothing now is more important than studies. fact seldom thought of but it's true, a student's main priority is studying, and there's no point putting time and into what we want to do in the future if we can't even clear what we're doing now.
but how the hell did i manage to fail promos... tmr hx birthday, my facebook wife!
23/10/08, 9:49pm.
but how the hell did i manage to fail promos... tmr hx birthday, my facebook wife!
23/10/08, 9:49pm.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
shit happens
i haven't broken down in a very long while, but just did like twice in the past two weeks. i guess it doesn't show that i'm strong in any way for not doing so in many years, but more likely, it shows how happy i used to be.
i used to think i was happy and safe, anything could happen to anyone, but shit can't happen to me. unfortunately, shit happens. till anything else is confirmed, i can't think optimistically. so something happen quick!
shit happens, don't let it happen to again.
just thought since i had a nice picture to share, i might as well. so here it goes again: SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS! it's my shit btw.
22/10/08, 9:40pm.
i used to think i was happy and safe, anything could happen to anyone, but shit can't happen to me. unfortunately, shit happens. till anything else is confirmed, i can't think optimistically. so something happen quick!
shit happens, don't let it happen to again.

22/10/08, 9:40pm.
can't promote, how.
DDSSU - no H2 pass. cannot promote. hoping for the best.
all wasn't fine yesterday, seeing everyone happily promoting despite not even meeting their own expectations (it was alr the least they could ask for, or the most i would be asking for). passed gp & lit, subpassed physics & math, failed econs. i don't know how anyone could fail econs, just talk shit can pass alr, but i did. i got 3/25 for one essay which really killed me, and did only average in the other two sections, bad, how.
luckily of all luckilies, theres a saving shit called sub-papers and even though there are rumours that there may not be any this year, i'd hope for the better and wish there was. then i could study for the weakest subject which is the only paper i'll have to take, then pass it. and i don't really have to study as much as if it were physics or math as they're weaker than my econs. so that's that for now, let's hope there will be sub-papers this year. :)
went with some dudes to toa payoh to lepak after school cause didn't want to go for the prayer thing. so some shit happened to one of the dudes but luckily all is fine now so dude, don't do stupid things alr okay!
then went back to school to meet Hx Josh Tian & Xav the dudes who went for the prayer thing and went to Mac's house to party. not party for me la. it turned out both good and bad hahah, bad night, good dudes. so many thanks to Hx dude, Tian yu dude, Joshua dude, Xavier dude and Jiajian dude for everything last night. and of course Michelle dude and Natasha dude for whateve you've done, as well as the also-gone George dude. ok thanks for everything everyone alright? bad night, so bad that Xavier had to send me home, i couldn't walk straight this morning, and even puked my breakfast out in school early morning. haha bad, bad experience.
ok la thanks all the nice dudes which saw me and helped me while i was in a very pathetic state, and sorry Mac for what my pathetic state did to your place! i really hope i can promote! DDSSU can right, teachers? time for pw.
22/10/08, 7:45pm.
all wasn't fine yesterday, seeing everyone happily promoting despite not even meeting their own expectations (it was alr the least they could ask for, or the most i would be asking for). passed gp & lit, subpassed physics & math, failed econs. i don't know how anyone could fail econs, just talk shit can pass alr, but i did. i got 3/25 for one essay which really killed me, and did only average in the other two sections, bad, how.
luckily of all luckilies, theres a saving shit called sub-papers and even though there are rumours that there may not be any this year, i'd hope for the better and wish there was. then i could study for the weakest subject which is the only paper i'll have to take, then pass it. and i don't really have to study as much as if it were physics or math as they're weaker than my econs. so that's that for now, let's hope there will be sub-papers this year. :)
went with some dudes to toa payoh to lepak after school cause didn't want to go for the prayer thing. so some shit happened to one of the dudes but luckily all is fine now so dude, don't do stupid things alr okay!
then went back to school to meet Hx Josh Tian & Xav the dudes who went for the prayer thing and went to Mac's house to party. not party for me la. it turned out both good and bad hahah, bad night, good dudes. so many thanks to Hx dude, Tian yu dude, Joshua dude, Xavier dude and Jiajian dude for everything last night. and of course Michelle dude and Natasha dude for whateve you've done, as well as the also-gone George dude. ok thanks for everything everyone alright? bad night, so bad that Xavier had to send me home, i couldn't walk straight this morning, and even puked my breakfast out in school early morning. haha bad, bad experience.
ok la thanks all the nice dudes which saw me and helped me while i was in a very pathetic state, and sorry Mac for what my pathetic state did to your place! i really hope i can promote! DDSSU can right, teachers? time for pw.
22/10/08, 7:45pm.
Monday, October 20, 2008
if i were to retain,
we're collecting results tmr, i'm fucking scared but psychoed myself that i'm prepared for it alr - by planning the alternative route. well if i don't make it tmr, first thing i'll do is find Ravi and get help. then all the appealing and sai la (since i've got no privilege to retain) but if all else fails, it's mass comm in either TP/NP next april! haha i really don't mind that choice but it would mean more money and self-discipline involved.
then there are the things i planned to do after promos but haven't yet done, photography and fishing! frisbee is on the list too but i've been playing every single day after school without fail so it's more than accomplished. and if i promote, it's time for hockey!
eh Andrew my magician blog owns yours can haha you want to see street magic it's here:, and don't forget to check out the other parts too. oh yes learn that magician face cause it's FUCKING HILARIOUS. hohoho.
20/10/08, 9:37pm.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
old people, 'old' look
happy birthday Iggy, we 9 dudes ate 300 bucks worth of Billy Bombers which was inclusive of an insane 45 bucks service charge. quite crazy but it's once in a lifetime and it's about 4 hours later yet i'm still very full.
anyway, i was just thinking - do old people choose their 'old' look when they're old? surely you're aware of the current 'old' look with the old people today but did it come about with them dressing however they thought of as cool in their adolescence or did they switch to this 'old' look only when they really turned old. i hope it's not the former or else old mats will still be wearing air-caps in their seventies and old bengs wearing skinnies in their eighties. quite sick to think of it. i really don't know how do i want to look when i grow old, or maybe i'd follow the 'old' fashion of my time when i do turn old. hehe.
19/10/08, 11:46pm.
anyway, i was just thinking - do old people choose their 'old' look when they're old? surely you're aware of the current 'old' look with the old people today but did it come about with them dressing however they thought of as cool in their adolescence or did they switch to this 'old' look only when they really turned old. i hope it's not the former or else old mats will still be wearing air-caps in their seventies and old bengs wearing skinnies in their eighties. quite sick to think of it. i really don't know how do i want to look when i grow old, or maybe i'd follow the 'old' fashion of my time when i do turn old. hehe.
19/10/08, 11:46pm.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
only boys with blogs think
"only boys with blogs think..."
Paolo showed me brandon boyd's website today and it made me want to be like him - and i'm starting with a blog hohoho. it's not for people to read okay, like i said it's just for me to become like him.
but what's with the name? well slapdash means random, hasty and haphazard while syndrome simply refers to a disease or a condition; and a combination of the two is what we're suffering from today. layout's cool cause it's dotted and looks indie (indie people seem to like motifs and so do i) though i like to be mainstream too, and everything looks white and pure cause i'm an innocent young boy. ok all the best for this lameass shithead kanasai blog which prolly ain't gonna last long, goodnight.
i realise the date and time's alll screwed up. it's the 19th today, and it's 1:19am now.
Paolo showed me brandon boyd's website today and it made me want to be like him - and i'm starting with a blog hohoho. it's not for people to read okay, like i said it's just for me to become like him.
but what's with the name? well slapdash means random, hasty and haphazard while syndrome simply refers to a disease or a condition; and a combination of the two is what we're suffering from today. layout's cool cause it's dotted and looks indie (indie people seem to like motifs and so do i) though i like to be mainstream too, and everything looks white and pure cause i'm an innocent young boy. ok all the best for this lameass shithead kanasai blog which prolly ain't gonna last long, goodnight.
i realise the date and time's alll screwed up. it's the 19th today, and it's 1:19am now.
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