i've never heard anyone liking his hair after a haircut. like really no one before.
maybe it's because when you walk into the salon, you have only one ideal hairstyle in mind and wish to walk out with it on your head, however to the hairdresses / barber, there are 10000000000 million styles in the world and it ain't easy for him to guess which is the one you want on your head. so he gives you something similar, but you don't like it cause it's not THAT one.
11/01/09, 12:27pm.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Story of My Uneventful Day
even uneventful days can become stories, and that's because of events which make the day uneventful. but hey, if a day has events, then how can it be uneventful?
so anyway, Weiwen spent last night here, since he wasn't too comfortable sleeping at Damian's chalet cause they weren't exactly going to sleep haha, so he headed here just nice on the last 76 bus to my place (which, if you want to know, broke down 1 stop before my house bus stop).
so he had to wake up at 10am to go for choir in school, and because of that i used it as an excuse not to go to school for frisbee at 9:30am but sleep in til Weiwen had to leave. then upon his departure, my uneventful day began. played the remaining of my 200+ poker chips away on FB before making my own lunch which i was contented with (both the food and myself) and watched Ip Man while eating them. Ip Man was so awesome til i feel like learning Wing Chun when i have the time. haha i don't know how serious am i on that but one day i can thrash your balls like Ip Man then you'll know i'm serious.
foolishly napped my time away from 3-5 after that, before going for guitar lesson. now here comes the event which made my uneventful day qualified to become a story.
after guitar lesson, i thought of a song which i then wanted to hear very badly. it was Green Grass and High Tides by the Outlaws so i plugged my iPod in on the way to the bus stop and listened to the first 30 secs of it? until i saw Shawn Lau. so i talked to him til we got on the 57 and talked to him til we got off at the same bus stop which was his house and the bus stop for me to change bus. meeting him wasn't a bad idea, other than the fact that it prevented me from hearing the song which popped up in my head and made me want to hear. SO, i took out my iPod and tuned in to the same song, and listened to the first 2 mins of it (song is 10 mins) til my 73 came.
BUT upon getting onto the bus, i met Mingxuan so i plugged out the earphones and we began chatting about life and hockey. i knew i would only drop 3 stops after him so no point holding onto the iPod so i kept it. chatted, then dropped and walked home normally like a normal poor boy in shorts shirt slippers with no music player and a noob 3120 Nokia handphone. got home, AND I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD MY SONG IN FULL. but nevermind i'm having dinner which tastes nice so i'm glad hoho.
08/01/09, 8:33pm.
so anyway, Weiwen spent last night here, since he wasn't too comfortable sleeping at Damian's chalet cause they weren't exactly going to sleep haha, so he headed here just nice on the last 76 bus to my place (which, if you want to know, broke down 1 stop before my house bus stop).
so he had to wake up at 10am to go for choir in school, and because of that i used it as an excuse not to go to school for frisbee at 9:30am but sleep in til Weiwen had to leave. then upon his departure, my uneventful day began. played the remaining of my 200+ poker chips away on FB before making my own lunch which i was contented with (both the food and myself) and watched Ip Man while eating them. Ip Man was so awesome til i feel like learning Wing Chun when i have the time. haha i don't know how serious am i on that but one day i can thrash your balls like Ip Man then you'll know i'm serious.
foolishly napped my time away from 3-5 after that, before going for guitar lesson. now here comes the event which made my uneventful day qualified to become a story.
after guitar lesson, i thought of a song which i then wanted to hear very badly. it was Green Grass and High Tides by the Outlaws so i plugged my iPod in on the way to the bus stop and listened to the first 30 secs of it? until i saw Shawn Lau. so i talked to him til we got on the 57 and talked to him til we got off at the same bus stop which was his house and the bus stop for me to change bus. meeting him wasn't a bad idea, other than the fact that it prevented me from hearing the song which popped up in my head and made me want to hear. SO, i took out my iPod and tuned in to the same song, and listened to the first 2 mins of it (song is 10 mins) til my 73 came.
BUT upon getting onto the bus, i met Mingxuan so i plugged out the earphones and we began chatting about life and hockey. i knew i would only drop 3 stops after him so no point holding onto the iPod so i kept it. chatted, then dropped and walked home normally like a normal poor boy in shorts shirt slippers with no music player and a noob 3120 Nokia handphone. got home, AND I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD MY SONG IN FULL. but nevermind i'm having dinner which tastes nice so i'm glad hoho.
08/01/09, 8:33pm.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
6.50$ Lan day
hit neither OPA nor school for both hockey and frisbee cause when i woke up at 7:30am, there were constant rumblings in my tummy, repeated wet fart releases as well as unstoppable urges to lao sai in the toilet. however they cleared off when it was about 12 and i felt okay again. guess nothing would have happened to me if i had gone for training, damn. was just afraid of the possibility that i shit in my pants when i go out of control (of my own anal ring) at training then i would be :$ (check what it is on msn).
so i stayed home to watch 2008's best Korean movie of the year - The Good, the Bad and the Weird which was inspired by 1966's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly which was an American blockbuster. the Korean version of it startled me at first cause the make of it looked expensive and the build up as well as the plot were interesting and not much of a letdown. however, the letdown came when i neared the end of the show, cause the ending sucked quite badly. you could hit http://www.dramaclick.com for that as well as other Asian movies and drama serials which was also where i watched the 2nd best Korean movie of last year - the Chaser. that one was better, imho.
anw, went to j8 at 1:30 to be half an hour late for lunch with Jiejing, Yunsong and En Hao but i chose to be late on purpose cause i was the only one with a Christian name. ok no i just hadn't finished my movie, but it doesn't matter cause they started without me anyway. we then went to Cat High to meet teachers cause it was just around the time when school ended. met up with Yuesheng, Zixiong, Toon Ee and i was still the only one with a Christian name. since that didn't piss me off, we went to play lan after chatting with old teachers.
played 6.50$ worth of LAN where Tedmond joined halfway, i know it ain't alot for some, but it also ain't the most i've ever played so shut up. it's the most in quite a long while. intended to play Left4Dead but since those dudes were afraid of zombies we didn't. no la it was because i was the only one with a Christian name thats why they decided to go against me. ok enough with the Christian name thing, it wasn't mentioned the whole day but i only thought of it when i began blogging this so it's all not true k. so we played a game of DotA, then a few games of Bf 2 before going back to 2 more games of DotA. haven't played in a long while, so not appearing last on the rank list is quite a blessing already (but hey that doesn't mean i wasn't second from the bottom, AND HEY IT DOESN'T MEAN I WAS ALSO OKAY) but we all had fun though cb Raiders put Left4Dead on the big screen projecting someone's game and tempted all of us. luckily we had to go so save that for another day. had dinner with zx ted and toons before heading home, where i am right now! forgot to get something small for Dad, shall wish him later haha damn.
07/01/09, 9:02pm.
so i stayed home to watch 2008's best Korean movie of the year - The Good, the Bad and the Weird which was inspired by 1966's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly which was an American blockbuster. the Korean version of it startled me at first cause the make of it looked expensive and the build up as well as the plot were interesting and not much of a letdown. however, the letdown came when i neared the end of the show, cause the ending sucked quite badly. you could hit http://www.dramaclick.com for that as well as other Asian movies and drama serials which was also where i watched the 2nd best Korean movie of last year - the Chaser. that one was better, imho.
anw, went to j8 at 1:30 to be half an hour late for lunch with Jiejing, Yunsong and En Hao but i chose to be late on purpose cause i was the only one with a Christian name. ok no i just hadn't finished my movie, but it doesn't matter cause they started without me anyway. we then went to Cat High to meet teachers cause it was just around the time when school ended. met up with Yuesheng, Zixiong, Toon Ee and i was still the only one with a Christian name. since that didn't piss me off, we went to play lan after chatting with old teachers.
played 6.50$ worth of LAN where Tedmond joined halfway, i know it ain't alot for some, but it also ain't the most i've ever played so shut up. it's the most in quite a long while. intended to play Left4Dead but since those dudes were afraid of zombies we didn't. no la it was because i was the only one with a Christian name thats why they decided to go against me. ok enough with the Christian name thing, it wasn't mentioned the whole day but i only thought of it when i began blogging this so it's all not true k. so we played a game of DotA, then a few games of Bf 2 before going back to 2 more games of DotA. haven't played in a long while, so not appearing last on the rank list is quite a blessing already (but hey that doesn't mean i wasn't second from the bottom, AND HEY IT DOESN'T MEAN I WAS ALSO OKAY) but we all had fun though cb Raiders put Left4Dead on the big screen projecting someone's game and tempted all of us. luckily we had to go so save that for another day. had dinner with zx ted and toons before heading home, where i am right now! forgot to get something small for Dad, shall wish him later haha damn.
07/01/09, 9:02pm.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
All is quiet on New Year's Day
a very good morning to everybody (it's only 8am this Wednesday morning), i know it's not New Year's Day today, but i need to do what i'm supposed to do on New Year's Day - re-prioritize my life. that's cause i feel like i'm living a very fucked up life right now, with both the feelings that a) it won't matter if i live or die this very moment and b) i may actually die this very moment.
1. Do well (not very well cause well is enough) for A levels, which also means doing well and putting in effort for Gp, Physics, Math, Econs & Lit. Simply, just study hard.
2. Take care of myself and my health. That includes eating healthily, working out regularly and SLEEPING SUFFICIENTLY, changing the fact that i don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, don't give my all for trainings, PE or swims and runs, and only get a maximum of 5-6 hours of sleep on schooldays. To change that, here's what i'd do: read up on healthy living! then follow however much i can out of the healthy eating portion, give in my 100% for trainings and workouts and sleep 7-8 hours every schoolday, more on weekends. of course, all of these cannot be super possibly followed cause next year is A levels and A levels won't spare you no extra sleeping time, won't give you no more time for exercises when the A's draw near and so imma gotta take care of mahself pretty well the entire next year though it's gonna be hard niggah!
3. Play good hockey and get myself into first team AS A FORWARD. that means making full use of training time, maybe staying later after training with dudes like Nwahs Freddie or See Ler but most importantly and firstly, getting my basics right cause everything else builds from there.
4. Play better frisbee and hopefully play for the competition next year with the pro-er dudes who are currently in league or get myself up to Lester / Matthew See standard. To begin, i shall throw with somebody for a while before we play game!
5. Improve in guitar, and i won't be expecting much from this cause i hardly practice but since i'm wishing, i shall just hope i become better miraculously!
6. Take better photos.
7. Save more money, spend less on food, save more for stuff i wish to buy.
8. Treat friends & family better, sacrificing my time and energy to please them IF THEY DESERVE IT and not always care about myself first.
9. ok can't think of any more so what, get laid before the 7th of May?
10. i pray these all come true.
i guess the most important of it all would be to look after my health cause i don't want any diabetes or kidney failure or cancer or AIDS before i die and i don't wanna die til i have lived my life and i don't wanna have lived my life til i turn >80!
alright, have a nice day and have a happy and wishful new year!
07/01/09, 8:49am.
1. Do well (not very well cause well is enough) for A levels, which also means doing well and putting in effort for Gp, Physics, Math, Econs & Lit. Simply, just study hard.
2. Take care of myself and my health. That includes eating healthily, working out regularly and SLEEPING SUFFICIENTLY, changing the fact that i don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, don't give my all for trainings, PE or swims and runs, and only get a maximum of 5-6 hours of sleep on schooldays. To change that, here's what i'd do: read up on healthy living! then follow however much i can out of the healthy eating portion, give in my 100% for trainings and workouts and sleep 7-8 hours every schoolday, more on weekends. of course, all of these cannot be super possibly followed cause next year is A levels and A levels won't spare you no extra sleeping time, won't give you no more time for exercises when the A's draw near and so imma gotta take care of mahself pretty well the entire next year though it's gonna be hard niggah!
3. Play good hockey and get myself into first team AS A FORWARD. that means making full use of training time, maybe staying later after training with dudes like Nwahs Freddie or See Ler but most importantly and firstly, getting my basics right cause everything else builds from there.
4. Play better frisbee and hopefully play for the competition next year with the pro-er dudes who are currently in league or get myself up to Lester / Matthew See standard. To begin, i shall throw with somebody for a while before we play game!
5. Improve in guitar, and i won't be expecting much from this cause i hardly practice but since i'm wishing, i shall just hope i become better miraculously!
6. Take better photos.
7. Save more money, spend less on food, save more for stuff i wish to buy.
8. Treat friends & family better, sacrificing my time and energy to please them IF THEY DESERVE IT and not always care about myself first.
9. ok can't think of any more so what, get laid before the 7th of May?
10. i pray these all come true.
i guess the most important of it all would be to look after my health cause i don't want any diabetes or kidney failure or cancer or AIDS before i die and i don't wanna die til i have lived my life and i don't wanna have lived my life til i turn >80!
alright, have a nice day and have a happy and wishful new year!
07/01/09, 8:49am.
Dad went to Malaysia, JB for his usual grocery shopping again and of course, checked out some new DVDs to buy home. this time, he got about 5 back, including Ip Man, Body of Lies and Transporter 3. shiok, now i have something to do when i'm boring in the coming few days. caught some Korean show - The Chaser online this evening, really good show with awesome plot development and build up (owns Bedtime Stories + Yes Man put together).
also, i learnt that i suck at poker. Texas Hold'em poker. since i'm sick, i shall sleep now, and wake up tmr early to see if i'm fit enough for training. night!
06/01/09, 10:32pm.
also, i learnt that i suck at poker. Texas Hold'em poker. since i'm sick, i shall sleep now, and wake up tmr early to see if i'm fit enough for training. night!
06/01/09, 10:32pm.
Tuesday of the last week of holidays
i intended to study for the whole of this last week of holidays, when i occupied myself with stuff not pertaining to school work for the whole of yesterday (training, lan, movie) and caught a virus which has left me unable to do any form of work, much less play, for today as well.
luckily, i managed to sell my band concert ticket so won't be wasting my 12 bucks, and can just rest the remaining time of the day just like what i've done the entire morning + afternoon, sleep. also heard that Fred and Donna whom i was with are not feeling well too. Donna's down with fever and flu while Fred's just got flu and is now at Plaza Sing like a strong man (everyone will think he's a strong man but we know he's sick and trying to act strong hohoho).
so when will i ever get to start work? i really don't know, cause even if i'm healthy and 'pink as the bing on your cherry', i will still be slacking instead of studying i think. it's A levels next year so it's no child's play, but then again, we're all still children - so how can children handle such hardcore XXX stress? hahah.
06/01/09, 5:07pm.
luckily, i managed to sell my band concert ticket so won't be wasting my 12 bucks, and can just rest the remaining time of the day just like what i've done the entire morning + afternoon, sleep. also heard that Fred and Donna whom i was with are not feeling well too. Donna's down with fever and flu while Fred's just got flu and is now at Plaza Sing like a strong man (everyone will think he's a strong man but we know he's sick and trying to act strong hohoho).
so when will i ever get to start work? i really don't know, cause even if i'm healthy and 'pink as the bing on your cherry', i will still be slacking instead of studying i think. it's A levels next year so it's no child's play, but then again, we're all still children - so how can children handle such hardcore XXX stress? hahah.
06/01/09, 5:07pm.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
like suddenly...
i haven't been here for a while, even though i'm not really busy.
there have been some things going on these few days, say the Bedtime Stories outing on Friday, the match with TP on Saturday, as well as quite a few random musings from a boy who can't really think. so there should be quite a lot of stuff to talk about. however, i am a lazy boy so no, i'm not going to talk about everything.
Bedtime Stories is a nice but stupid show.
lost the match against TP 3-1 and played like fuck, missing a lot of chances at goal.
tmr marks the last week of the school holidays, after which begins the most tormenting academic year of my life, sitting for the exam which is the hardest yet in my life, and probably the one which requires the most effort to do well for. so... it's time to start studying! gotta study this whole week in order to get myself ready for school, say do the Math & Econs hmwk to recap on topics while do shit for Physics since there ain't hmwk and teacher's gna change.
but there's trng tmr and i'm still finding something to do after tht so i guess studying can but won't start tmr. haha, have fun with your last week of holidays guys, after that it's time for the fucking last year.
one of my new year resolutions: read newspapers (can you believe that i don't read the papers)
05/01/09, 12:28am.
there have been some things going on these few days, say the Bedtime Stories outing on Friday, the match with TP on Saturday, as well as quite a few random musings from a boy who can't really think. so there should be quite a lot of stuff to talk about. however, i am a lazy boy so no, i'm not going to talk about everything.
Bedtime Stories is a nice but stupid show.
lost the match against TP 3-1 and played like fuck, missing a lot of chances at goal.
tmr marks the last week of the school holidays, after which begins the most tormenting academic year of my life, sitting for the exam which is the hardest yet in my life, and probably the one which requires the most effort to do well for. so... it's time to start studying! gotta study this whole week in order to get myself ready for school, say do the Math & Econs hmwk to recap on topics while do shit for Physics since there ain't hmwk and teacher's gna change.
but there's trng tmr and i'm still finding something to do after tht so i guess studying can but won't start tmr. haha, have fun with your last week of holidays guys, after that it's time for the fucking last year.
one of my new year resolutions: read newspapers (can you believe that i don't read the papers)
05/01/09, 12:28am.
Thursday, January 1, 2009

spent the night with awesome people at an awesome place doing awesome stuff. you know after lunch with Phelan, Fred & Gab, we were all slacking at my house and playing the World's Hardest Game where i discovered i'm not too bad a WHG gamer cause i got stuck at Level 24, with 1k plus deaths la. we were thinking of what to do at night over dinner at Srg Gardens Astons when Qing invited us to Brewerkz where his family would be counting down. so yeah give thanks to Brother Chan who allowed us to join his family, and we all went home to bathe change and met up at Clarke Quay at 11pm.
Clarke Quay was mad, it was crowded and noisy but you could sense the spirit of good fun, the atmosphere of people all hoping for a better year ahead, and so we made our way to Brewerkz where Brother Chan mercilessly ordered dispensers and dispensers of beer. i don't know what they call it but it looked like the huge water dispensers at office buildings and it was mad. so just chilled til the countdown where everyone made a lot of noise, and then we went to every table inside the brewery wishing people HNY, toasting them, shaking their hands. Mathias, Donna, Cynthia, some other friends Siyi & Ox joined us shortly so we just carried on chilling and downing booze before they went back to Attica which was where they came from, to dance. Bro Chan & Qing & family left so Phelan, Fred, Gab & i the supposed partyless losers gang stayed outside by the river to wait for the Attica gang to finish dancing. Phelan slept while we 3 chatted what was supposed to be a 'heart-to-heart' talk according to Freddie but was nothing much really haha.
when the Attica dudes came out, i thought we could go walk or grab a bite, but they sat down and began doing what we did 2 hours before, so i was damn bored, and quite sleepy on top of that too. when it hit 6, we walked over to Liang Court Macs in hope of a bite, but fuck! it was damn crowded so checked out the bus stop outside, and everyone went home while i didn't get my bite. haha the people who headed towards Tiong Bahru watched Cynthia eat la, but Bishan flenz all go home cbcbcb so i also go home sleep. the counting down, the wishing people, the booze high, the chilling by the river were all great times of yesterday night, and prolly stuff we would have to do less in the coming 2009 cause of cb A Levels. let's just make the best out of next year.
on the not so looking-towards-the-future side, everywhere was messed up yesterday, with litter found anywhere from roads to pavements to random places to sit (til i even caught instant noodle soup and beer on my jeans) so with that, i pity the cleaners (whom we saw starting work at around 5 while people were still lying around). oh with regards to people lying around, there were really people lying everywhere randomly from malays at bus stops to ang mohs at pavements or vice versa and you get what i mean, people anyhow sleep here sit there lie here stand there and just smoke drink chat and it all looked very fucked up but happy new year good luck next year so it's fine for last night i guess! haha.
maybe shall talk about resolutions someday, or reflections another someday, but for now here's what happened on 31/12/08-01/01/09! Cheers and once again, HNY!
01/01/09, 11:01pm.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
the <3 Sutra
oh yeah, you might have known about my discovery of the song Give Thanks to Allah on the 25th of December (Chad told me, rather), but did you know about the song i found out on the 27th, yesterday? haha it's a Buddhist chant, the Heart Sutra and though i found it a little spooky (i still do, but to a smaller extent), i started to find it very calming and peaceful after a few listens.
these two songs started out as mild jokes, but they became very pleasing to my ears! haha, check them out too, the link for Give Thanks to Allah by Michael Jackson is somewhat several posts down, while these are two of the Heart Sutras:
i don't know if they're both the same song in different languages or just two completely different songs, but don't make fun okay!
oh i've been having diahorrea for the entire day starting 7am. X|
28/12/08, 11:44pm.
these two songs started out as mild jokes, but they became very pleasing to my ears! haha, check them out too, the link for Give Thanks to Allah by Michael Jackson is somewhat several posts down, while these are two of the Heart Sutras:
i don't know if they're both the same song in different languages or just two completely different songs, but don't make fun okay!
oh i've been having diahorrea for the entire day starting 7am. X|
28/12/08, 11:44pm.
hand-me-down notebook
sorry the images all spoil, click on them for a more proper view.
photos not taken by me, credits to http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2860 for them.
Compaq Presario B2800, view from the top
i got my Christmas present from my auntie today, a hand-me-down Compaq Presario B2800 notebook! i think the model is quite outdated but i don't know if it's still good enough for today, i'm guessing it is since i'm not really very today also haha. (e.g. i don't play Warcraft but i may consider since my old com couldn't support it but this one can!)photos not taken by me, credits to http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2860 for them.

only drawback is that i want to reformat the operating system of this notebook but there ain't no disc or recovery drive! that's damn bad know, cause every notebook is supposed to come with either one, but i've got none and to get the disc, it's gna cost between 15-30 USD manzzz. okay how sia.
need to plan new years party! or maybe combine with some other dude's party!
28/12/08, 11:19pm.
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