Tuesday, January 6, 2009

All is quiet on New Year's Day

a very good morning to everybody (it's only 8am this Wednesday morning), i know it's not New Year's Day today, but i need to do what i'm supposed to do on New Year's Day - re-prioritize my life. that's cause i feel like i'm living a very fucked up life right now, with both the feelings that a) it won't matter if i live or die this very moment and b) i may actually die this very moment.


1. Do well (not very well cause well is enough) for A levels, which also means doing well and putting in effort for Gp, Physics, Math, Econs & Lit. Simply, just study hard.

2. Take care of myself and my health. That includes eating healthily, working out regularly and SLEEPING SUFFICIENTLY, changing the fact that i don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, don't give my all for trainings, PE or swims and runs, and only get a maximum of 5-6 hours of sleep on schooldays. To change that, here's what i'd do: read up on healthy living! then follow however much i can out of the healthy eating portion, give in my 100% for trainings and workouts and sleep 7-8 hours every schoolday, more on weekends. of course, all of these cannot be super possibly followed cause next year is A levels and A levels won't spare you no extra sleeping time, won't give you no more time for exercises when the A's draw near and so imma gotta take care of mahself pretty well the entire next year though it's gonna be hard niggah!

3. Play good hockey and get myself into first team AS A FORWARD. that means making full use of training time, maybe staying later after training with dudes like Nwahs Freddie or See Ler but most importantly and firstly, getting my basics right cause everything else builds from there.

4. Play better frisbee and hopefully play for the competition next year with the pro-er dudes who are currently in league or get myself up to Lester / Matthew See standard. To begin, i shall throw with somebody for a while before we play game!

5. Improve in guitar, and i won't be expecting much from this cause i hardly practice but since i'm wishing, i shall just hope i become better miraculously!

6. Take better photos.

7. Save more money, spend less on food, save more for stuff i wish to buy.

8. Treat friends & family better, sacrificing my time and energy to please them IF THEY DESERVE IT and not always care about myself first.

9. ok can't think of any more so what, get laid before the 7th of May?

10. i pray these all come true.

i guess the most important of it all would be to look after my health cause i don't want any diabetes or kidney failure or cancer or AIDS before i die and i don't wanna die til i have lived my life and i don't wanna have lived my life til i turn >80!

alright, have a nice day and have a happy and wishful new year!

07/01/09, 8:49am.


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